I'm seeking to buy a new "5 hole left hand thread flange freewheel" for my gasoline powered Staton-inc axle mounted kit (see photo for reference). It threads onto the left side of my rear hub, which is a Staton-inc brand hub. The 5 holes on the flange are for bolting on a sprocket, such as a 60-tooth sprocket. To clarify: I'm not seeking to buy a sprocket but, rather, a 5 hole left hand thread freewheel (some might call it a clutch but Staton calls it a freewheel). It has four notches in it for using a freewheel removal tool. As of today, Jan.14, 2021, both staton-inc.com and electricscooterparts.com are out of stock of this item, and I can't find it in stock anywhere online. Thanks for any help.