Against my better judgment I'm going to share my first bicycle engine build and hopefully be able to share it and ideas with others! Quick History, I'm new to the bicycle engine building but I've been building 2 strokes ( dirt bike and snowmobile) for some years now!
Economic and age reasons has brought me to the bicycle engine world and it has been interesting and frustrating because so far everything has been different and the quality of parts that you acquire is a gamble even from the same sellers!! I say this jokingly as I've been a poor boy builder of things all my yrs.
On with it.
I found a BT 100 v1 on eBay for 50$ 20$ shipping and bought it. Been building on it for awhile now.
I'm glad I made the mistake of buying one after learning about all the variables found in the China bicycle engine industry!!
It has an extra bolt in the cases, bigger crankshaft bearing's and journal's 40mmx17mmx12mm compared to 35x15x11,( 6203 bearing against 6202 bearing) 17mm journal to a 15mm journal, and when you are going after more power with reliability, bigger in this department is better!! If anyone has interest in this thread let me know, if not I'll stop right here??
Economic and age reasons has brought me to the bicycle engine world and it has been interesting and frustrating because so far everything has been different and the quality of parts that you acquire is a gamble even from the same sellers!! I say this jokingly as I've been a poor boy builder of things all my yrs.
On with it.
I found a BT 100 v1 on eBay for 50$ 20$ shipping and bought it. Been building on it for awhile now.
I'm glad I made the mistake of buying one after learning about all the variables found in the China bicycle engine industry!!
It has an extra bolt in the cases, bigger crankshaft bearing's and journal's 40mmx17mmx12mm compared to 35x15x11,( 6203 bearing against 6202 bearing) 17mm journal to a 15mm journal, and when you are going after more power with reliability, bigger in this department is better!! If anyone has interest in this thread let me know, if not I'll stop right here??