Side swiped by a large pick up truck a few minutes ago

I generally don't screw with people in their cars. You never know just who you are messing with, and there are enough psychos out there to make me think twice about it.
Well, Cronus has about 2200 miles by now. Today I took a really good look at her. And I find that since the accident,I just slid the sprocket on the jackshaft over and essentially called it a day. But when I really looked I find my entire engine kit is kiltered to the left! 1before.jpg And on the left side that holder is still really close to the tire. 2closetotire.jpg Look here how close to the middle I slid my sprocket over.3sprocketmiddle.jpg Here's my pannier and my little device that made removing it rather easy. After my fix I won't be using this any longer. It's starting to get grungy. I'm liking my tool pouch up front with me anyway.5pannier.jpg With the engine off the rack you can really see the misalignment. That fender needs straightening out too. 6misalignmentjpg.jpg Here's the plate off. What I'm gonna do here is to simply switch those two bars around so the plate shifts more in the middle.(edit) This is an after shot. Bars already switched over. 7fenderplateoff.jpg Look at this. The mount my right holder bolted to is bent! I straightened it with a large crescent wrench. 8bentholder.jpg
And finally my after shot. Thanks Zombie for the seat! It's more comfy than my original one. 8after.jpg

I can't believe I've been riding it all these miles like that. But I had no problems. I could have just left it all alone but I wanted it to look more visually appealing. What i love about this kit is I can do all my chain adjustments with the engine off. Then when I KNOW it's perfectly aligned I put my engine on and I'm done! I forgot my after shot with engine on. I'll post it later.
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I failed to mention this earlier on. I would imagine my bolt that connects my arm(?) must have been stressed when that truck hit me because it broke off within a few days.Photo0362.jpg(It may have been my fault too) Duane wanted to send me a replacement but I told him it was okay because I corrected it.Photo0363.jpg
Here's the finished product. About a thousand miles without a hitch. Photo0365.jpg