your call they have the eBay money back warranty. I always lean towards treatland.
Hit Damien up I think he could get you the number for He know them well I think you could get the right bottom end. phone number is (406) 586-5970.Yea, I think so. I don't trust ebay all tho there's some one on there now that's selling one for $90
And has real good reviews. Like a 99.4 with 10,000 sales. Wich is good I think.
I think I seen it on treatland for $100 I think, but then shipping
To my knowledge, you wont...this is the best way to go, complete with 6 month way to go...DAMIENbut I haven't been able to find any sites that have bottom only
I ordered the jog pipe also. I have a little harbor freight welder I've been using over the years and I'm to the point where I'm confident enough to weld it myself. (Hopefully)Im running the vm20 clone. Cost $35. Jet kit another $8. I have disassembled it and it appears to be good quality. I have in recent year had very good luck with the clone carbs. I really like the Bofeng ( marked 80cc)for the 66cc. Has run great on all my engines. Down side the jet seems to be swedged in place. If money is no object get the Mikuni.
Also realize the difference in the piston dome shape between the Minarelli and a 66cc piston. Running a 66cc head on the Minarelli will work but will open up the combustion area lowering compression. Stick with a good Minarelli head. The one supplied with the kit should be fine for sorting out the initial running. I forked over big bucks for an mz65 pipe
modded with the Minarelli header. I also have the Jog pipe if I want to mod it. They are cheap enough.