Some info about a motor


New Member
Local time
7:24 PM
Jun 28, 2008

I'm new in this kinda of things, but I'm thinking about begin a project with some friends.

What you people can tell me about a lawn mower motor: Toro Quantum 500, 190 cc?

Sorry if this is a newbie question.

I want to know simple info, like speed I could reach, fast acceleration ( ? ) I believe I need to add some gear box and clutch to it, right?

I suppose to be used in a trike.
Just A WILD GUESS HERE ---- top speed - 70 mph - if you are willing ? Gear box needed - if you want different gear ratios ? or - a slipping type of clutch can be used.. Good luck with your project from - Mountainman

I heard that the lawn mower motor is bad for this kind of things cause normally it works in a vertical position, to mount it on a trike/bike it will be on horizontal position, and that way won't works.
Is that true? Any way to resolve this issue?

I heard that the lawn mower motor is bad for this kind of things cause normally it works in a vertical position, to mount it on a trike/bike it will be on horizontal position, and that way won't works.
Is that true? Any way to resolve this issue?

Ownr -- I think that you will find that to be correct --- you can check with the motor manufactor (find their web site) for the answer to this question... Happy riding from - Mountainman