South Carolina Motorized Bicycle Laws

South Carolina Motorized Bicycle Laws

A lot of the videos I'm referring to the riders weren't breaking any traffic laws. They simply didn't meet moped requirements and didn't have a tag. Riders were being stopped a lot in Florida before procedure RS-68 was established.
And alot of that is inspired by videos like this one...We are not the ony ones viewing these videos, the cops are too when they peruse FakeBook etc, when they are looking to bust the evidence delivered to them without warrants...Got to love
And alot of that is inspired by videos like this one...We are not the ony ones viewing these videos, the cops are too when they peruse FakeBook etc, when thay are looking to bust the evidence delivered to them without warrants...Got to love
That's why I come down on our members here who make videos of themselves treating STOP signs and Red Lights like YIELD signs. Then even worse posting it on the public media.
That's why I come down on our members here who make videos of themselves treating STOP signs and Red Lights like YIELD signs. Then even worse posting it on the public media.
You KNOW that you and I are both on the same book, same page, same paragraph, when it comes to safety and riding sensibly, not like these frickin idiots that we constantly see showing off just how stupid humans can really be...An utter disregard for life and limb, themselves as well as
Sorry sidewinder but things have changed here in sc the tags don't just say moped anymore lol now they got a tag number and all.
But I've been riding my first build for about a month now and the cops around greenville don't seem to care
Ain't no law about rocket fuel yet, so I gone keep on fuel up and riding to the moon!!!
I believe you will lol

Georgia Moon Fruit Jar 100 Proof.jpg
I know guy that eats steel and makes his around 140-160 proof. You don't holler, you rasp and huff a little if you ain't prepared. lol
Years ago had a neighbor who was good friends with Popcorn Sutton. So I got the original recipe. Tennessee will only allow 80 proof moonshine to be sold in the liquor stores. Sad how they did the man he was 78 and they gave him 15 years in federal prison so he killed himself rather than die in prison. Now they're selling a watered down version of his moonshine in the liquor stores.