South Carolina Motorized Bicycle Laws

South Carolina Motorized Bicycle Laws

Years ago had a neighbor who was good friends with Popcorn Sutton. So I got the original recipe. Tennessee will only allow 80 proof moonshine to be sold in the liquor stores. Sad how they did the man he was 78 and they gave him 15 years in federal prison so he killed himself rather than die in prison. Now they're selling a watered down version of his moonshine in the liquor stores.
It's all about control. People think it's about the money, but it's about controlling every aspect of your life. They would rather you be dead, then not be able to control you.
People think it's about the money, but it's about controlling every aspect of your life.
It's all just a power trip, about having power over everything and everybody...Nixon did with the 55 MPH speed limits, BLM and MeToo movements do it with cancel culture, the powers that be at this moment are doing it with inflationary pricing, short stock supplies like basic necessities of food, baby formula etc and making people more dependent on Gov.t handouts like food stamps etc. and now also controlling out of sight gasoline prices which governs just how far you can even travel, and lets not forget the mask mandates that also let gov'ts test out just how much they can control peoples lives through fear and intimidation, and now mounting up an all out assault on the second ammendment which will do nothing in this country concerning gun violence being committed by the mentally deranged and using the media to fuel the fire of fear, uncertainty and doubt...Canada is already getting ready to impliment a new gun ban law based on whats happening in this country, or so they say...They are all in this control the people at all cost mind set...Ok, I'm off my soapbox
Yeah bro just don’t say it’s 80cc
Your NOT looking at the time stamps on these posts...The thread was started in 2016, the person your replying to who was only a guest and not a forum member made his post in 2018 and he hasn't been back since.

It has been six years so I think it is a non issue for him after this many years now.
You won't be here long and we don't care either. I'm no bro to a bad attitude.
Is there something in the Mint Juleps over in your part of the country Jerry???...We seem to have more bad attitudes right out of the gate over

You were right by the way Jerry, he wasn't here very long at all, he now is permanently

I have also deleted the two posts of what he wrote here trying to be insulting and not following moderator instructions, plus his Bad
Is there something in the Mint Juleps over in your part of the country Jerry???...We seem to have more bad attitudes right out of the gate over

You were right by the way Jerry, he wasn't here very long at all, he now is permanently

I have also deleted the two posts of what he wrote here trying to be insulting to and not following moderator instructions, plus his Bad
I'm like that sometimes until I get that first cup of coffee ☕ down lol