Well-Known Member
The big problem with the chain in case reduction/ 73mm clutch bell 4 strokes is that most of the Ebay/Amazon/Walmart sellers are offering the CAG 47cc chain case reduction castings and they have crappy internal tolerances, cheap ball bearings and awful bearing lands.
That's why most of those chain reduction cases fail after a few hundred miles, the clutch bell shaft, inner bearing land is bell mouthed and to make it even work they set up the clutch shaft so the bearing is sort of half in and out of the bell mouthed land. I'm working with a Honda GX31 with a X7 chain case off a CAG geardrive for a mini ATV. Besides not fitting the Honda's clutch bell mount precisely, there's about "3/16's worth of in and out play to the chain case's clutch shaft from the previously mentioned poor chaincase castings. Until someone takes on fixing this issue these cheap 4 stroke chain case reductions will be guaranteed to die an early and horrible death.
That's why most of those chain reduction cases fail after a few hundred miles, the clutch bell shaft, inner bearing land is bell mouthed and to make it even work they set up the clutch shaft so the bearing is sort of half in and out of the bell mouthed land. I'm working with a Honda GX31 with a X7 chain case off a CAG geardrive for a mini ATV. Besides not fitting the Honda's clutch bell mount precisely, there's about "3/16's worth of in and out play to the chain case's clutch shaft from the previously mentioned poor chaincase castings. Until someone takes on fixing this issue these cheap 4 stroke chain case reductions will be guaranteed to die an early and horrible death.