Thank you very much to those that have welcomed me to 'The gang" here at MotoredBikes.com.!! Its great to know when you start something new that you can rely on others with great experience to help you along!! I of course do not want to clog up the forum with stupid questions, and I hope that this is the proper place to ask a couple of (newbee) questions.
I would really like to find a company that deals with older but new or rebuilt antiuqe gas bicycles. I remember when I was a kid and starting to fly remote control planes back in the early 60s a Neighbor of ours that was building planes in his garage had a really nice Gas powered bicycle that his son used to deliver papers in the Miami area. As I remember, it was sort of a gold or yellow colored machine, with the motor in the middle of the frame, and I think it had a suspention on the front wheel and it was rather large, the size of a full size bike at least---And I remember that sound---when he would start it up----Put--Put--Put-Put and then he would take off!! and it seemed (at the time) to be fairly quick!!----Thats where I would like to go with this!! I also remember more recently, when I owned an arial photography business near Daytona Beach, that the guy that owned the hanger just down from mine, had a similar gas powered bicycle that he would ride around on from time to time that looked almost the same. he said when I first met him that it was nearly 50 years old!! Any one have any Ideas on that or where I may be able to find one or a replica?? I will not say that money is no object, but if I am going to get into this (which I am) I would really like to have something that is unique and from a period of time that reflects the ' Golden Age' do you think that something like that could be had in top form for 1-3 thousand$ or so?? Thanks so very much!!!---Rhett
I would really like to find a company that deals with older but new or rebuilt antiuqe gas bicycles. I remember when I was a kid and starting to fly remote control planes back in the early 60s a Neighbor of ours that was building planes in his garage had a really nice Gas powered bicycle that his son used to deliver papers in the Miami area. As I remember, it was sort of a gold or yellow colored machine, with the motor in the middle of the frame, and I think it had a suspention on the front wheel and it was rather large, the size of a full size bike at least---And I remember that sound---when he would start it up----Put--Put--Put-Put and then he would take off!! and it seemed (at the time) to be fairly quick!!----Thats where I would like to go with this!! I also remember more recently, when I owned an arial photography business near Daytona Beach, that the guy that owned the hanger just down from mine, had a similar gas powered bicycle that he would ride around on from time to time that looked almost the same. he said when I first met him that it was nearly 50 years old!! Any one have any Ideas on that or where I may be able to find one or a replica?? I will not say that money is no object, but if I am going to get into this (which I am) I would really like to have something that is unique and from a period of time that reflects the ' Golden Age' do you think that something like that could be had in top form for 1-3 thousand$ or so?? Thanks so very much!!!---Rhett