The bike that MBc built! Mr. Toad

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scottm
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Well I finlaly figured out the uploading process and now get to unviel my bike. This is kind of a long post, but I like to talk (especially about my MBc bike)The bike that MBc built which I am a proud owner of. I got it at the pawn shop for $60, It's an FS Elite Backwoods with a Dax 50cc. After the first 2 weeks of riding the piston somehow seized as some of you may recall. Augi was patient and gracious enough to help me tear it down. It was truly a "blood, sweat, and tears" and mosquito attack ordeal. I'm sure many of you have been broken hearted when your bike broke down.

While waiting for new parts fom Thatsdax (the longest 2 weeks of my life) Duane at Dax is A #1, I've enjoyed doing business with him. I read and read and read, and learned volumes and feel like I know some of you now. I thank all of you for info, input and teaching and some helpful PM's.
While waiting I bought a cool looking new handle bar so I don't have to stay bent over. I bought a mirror, Norman's suggested rear lamp(looks cool and works great)see pic. I also bought the dual brake lever from BikeworldUSA on ebay. Deb is cool and I got my brake in 2 days from New York to Texas. "it really dressess up the handle bars"

The new brake cable sleeves had to be longer since the handle bars are longer. My neighbors moved out and left a kids bike that had hand brakes on it. The sleeves were just right. "One man's trash...."

Now for the fun part, reassembly. Augi and I set a date and time and he opened up a private chat through We started out with 3 Dog Night "Joy to the World" and ended with "Helter Skelter". For 4 hours he walked me through step by step and quite a bit of silly bantering along the way. Evil Knevil even made a surprise appearance. All to say we took a stressful situation on my part and turned it into a good time fixing my bike. He was able to send links and photos for what I was doing, and I was able to send photos of what I had done or was doing before proceeding. It was totally awesome! I had my 10 year old typing since I had oil and gasket sealer on my hands. My 7 year old used a pencil to hold the piston rod in place as I installed the bearings, wrist pin and keeper clips (took3 tries). My thanks to them too.

This promises to be a useful tool for one on one communication where we could help each other without having to wait for e-mails. It would have taken all night and I would have given up.
Finally Augi gave me to okay to take it for a test run. I peddled 300 yards with nothing. Then I looked down and saw the balck wires had seperated. I plugged them back in, took 3 pedals and of I went. It came alive at 11:00 pm CST. I let out a loud yelp and laughed all the way home. Augi and I celebrated and patted one another on the back. I know so many of you have felt that same feeling when your bike comes to life, I read it every day.

I never knew when I bought this motor, what I would be getting into. I'm having a blast getting to know you all and am proud to be a part of MBc. Thanks for all of ya'll's support, encouragement, patience and teaching and friendship!

We'll have to have a poll for the name. Either Lazarus, since it's a dear friend back from the dead. But I'm kinda hooked on Mr. Toad, named after Mr. Toad's Wild Ride. It was a strange, messed up, trippy ride at Disney World.
"I've got blisters on my fingers!"


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'nother long post...but worth posting, imo.

chatzy is free chat, easy to setup and use. they let you save a few minutes of your text, you have to pay for more than that...we were lucky and got the best part. this is the last few "free" minutes of the chat repair transcript, some of this isn't gonna make sense, it's edited a bit (you know why) & sometimes we talk about something from earlier...

it really was too cool, everything went exactly as planned. i bet he wound up doing a nicer job than i do, we were both concentrating so hard to do it right. before i set him to putting the cylinder down on the studs & assembling the rod/bearing/pin/piston/clips i joked that he was about to wish he had 3 hands & that they were a lot smaller...

turns out he did & they were :lol: :lol:

here's a pic he sent before i gave him the ok to wire it up. it's too bad you can't read the whole chat, we rocked the house, didn't miss one single detail, used links and pics from the board:

a top-end rebuild over the internet!!!!

EDIT: long pause, was visitin' with 'cruzin & being forgetful

augidog: sorry...tell me where we are at this moment...fuel, ignition

Scottm: wired, no fuel in the house I'll have to take it out front

augidog: ok, i read: fuel system but no fuel, ignition (my bad) we want plug out for mechanical test-roll

Scottm: okay, what am I listening/ feeling for

augidog: whatever makes you nervous...otherwise is it gonna sound like sweet horns to your'll know then if it's gonna run or not :)

augidog: roll it by hand...all good? get on and pedal, go'll know

EDIT: reasonable pause

Scottm: chug-a chug-a chuga

augidog: any "grinda grinda?"

Scottm: nope

augidog: consistent?

augidog: i mean does it sound like a consistent cycle, no off-beat?

Scottm: sounds like a motored bike running

Scottm: nice and smooth

augidog: love it!

Scottm: it's *****n cool

Scottm: reminds me of grandpa's old cesna

augidog: you freaked me out, i was typing something i forget what! (when i was 14, evel kneivel gave me a dr pepper in his mobile office, just sayin i know what you mean)

augidog: so...we need to go outside long between bike and typing on pc?

Scottm: I still have my evil kenevil doll that had the motor bike with the rip cord

Scottm: no time at all

augidog: no way!

augidog: ok...i'm gonna try to get serious

Scottm: ok

augidog: i can tell you what to do...when i'm finished i'll simply rock out until you come back in and tell me it's running

EDIT: long pause

augidog: ok?

EDIT: longer pause

augidog: pretend the guy at the other end is really really "relaxed"

Scottm: okay

EDIT: there he is

augidog: we go...plug: clean and gapped to .028, installed. fresh fuel into tank. open petcock. watch for flow. use "tickler" to help flow until it stops. start off with no choke. try the choke. you're prolly gonna have to pedal for a bit (maybe not) to clear stale fuel, but since it's expected you'll only be doing what you're supposed to. it will start...don't kill yourself, if not just give me a detailed report. try not to take off on a 5 mile ride, i'll be waiting. questions? please ask beforehand.

augidog: no throttle

augidog: until you have fire

Scottm: enjoy the pic while I'm outside

augidog: roflmbo!

EDIT: 10 minutes later

Scottm: Yeeeeeeeeeeeee Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Scottm: better than new

augidog: i'm speechless

augidog: i'm so (you know) happy

Scottm: you kick *** augi

Scottm: thank you so much

augidog: you do too, realize what you've just done don't you?

Scottm: heck yeah

augidog: good

Scottm: the black wire had come loose and I peadled 100 yards up and back. got off and looked and saw it plugged it back in

augidog: time to brag!!!!

Scottm: clutch needs a little adjustment, but it idles perfectly. it runs quieter and smoother than ever and nice slow take offs

augidog: hehe...too cool, i had a great feeling about this project all along

Scottm: it's ALIVE

Scottm: I wish it were not so late

augidog: mwuawhahahaha!

Scottm: my cheeks already hurt from smiling

augidog: yeah, well, me too

Scottm: cheers (holding up beer)

augidog: beach cruzin watched for a while before he left he thought what we were doing was really cool

augidog: wait, i need to go get my last beer

Scottm: I really appreciate you taking the time to do this 4 hours

augidog: got it...i'm am sincerely happy for you

augidog: here's to the HAPPY-TIME!

Scottm: Chineese super happy fun time bike!

augidog: scott, you owe me

Scottm: big time

augidog: wanna know aht?

augidog: *what

Scottm: what

augidog: u there?

Scottm: yep waiting for you to tell me what

augidog: oh! you have to tell this story on the board.

Scottm: you know I will, I've been planning it all week

Scottm: well I was thinking about finally doing a photo gallery and calling it the "Bike that MBc built"

augidog: cool, i really want to play up the effectiveness of using chat supported by forum links, mentoring, etc

Scottm: chat would be cool, it would lessen the clutter. I could talk to Alaskavan all day

Scottm: you were the first person my daughter ever got to chat with

augidog: now , chat should only be used in MBc's name like we just understand what i mean?

augidog: tell her it was a hoot, she did a fine job :)

Scottm: yeah, can there be a chat room within MBc?

augidog: nope, because it would be impossible to man 24 hrs and censor appropriately

augidog: but, i do have friends who provide that service for sites like ours

Scottm: dude I'm still smiling

augidog: u should be

Scottm: "I'm back in the saddle again, out where a friend is a friend........"

augidog: imagine that

Scottm: "I've got blisters on my fingers"

augidog: LOL! i really do right now. van sent me that brass and i filed on it til i got a handful of splinters, now they re all sore

Scottm: in the last 2 weeks there have been two guys join, one really close to me. hopefully I can get a chapter going.

Scottm: two guys in my area. I'd like to load up the bike and go down to meet turbo

augidog: scott, i really should go...i'm exhausted, but totally happy about it...

Scottm: you've done a tremendous job and should be proud of yourself.

Scottm: I have to wake up in 6 hours. once around the block and off to bed. Thank you so much Augi

augidog: well, pride isn't really the reward, i am completely happy that you're running again

augidog: go say "ok" one last time and logoff

Scottm: OK!

End of chat as of Thu Sep 20 04:53:35 2007 GMT

scott, you all 3 of yas did a fine job of keeping communications smooth...tell your "crew" i said GOOD JOB!

if it matters..."the wind in the willows" was a boyhood favorite. knowing "mr. toad" the way i do, i thinks it's a cool smacks of adventure & comraderie, unknown territory & the bend in the road (and just the right amount of silliness) :D

boy! i guess i really did have a great time...i did :cool:

buddy-up, folks! works ;)
Way cool guys. I got a silly grin reading all that:). The feeling you get when she fires up!:D That's an intense thing we all have felt/understand/share. It's a good bonding point:). Chat can be very useful, as long as it doesn't get out of hand.

I just realized I came to the Picture Gallery and got so into the thread that I almost jumped forums without looking at the pictures.:rolleyes:

That's a nice ride Scott. Looks fast sitting still.:cool: That piston Sure was toast.
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I brought my bike to work with me today since my boss is gone. Took a nice picture in the sunshine and went to roll the bike back in and clutch cable snapped off at the handle. LOL good grief. Luckily I have the old throttle cable I broke at the carb when i first got my bike.
Here's a pic of the new MBc spokesperson? It's what had Augi "rotflmbo".

I stand corrected, it's an action figure not a doll.


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I love the success story! Way to go both of you.

I have found it a good idea to replace the clutch cable from the kit with a quality brake cable. The throttle cable should get you home if it will stay in the handle, but get a brake cable at your earliest convenience. It will be the best 2-3 bucks you can spend.

Again congrats on the successfully rebuild. This place ROCKS!
Looks like a lean mean ridin' machine - something like mine before I decided to embellish. Good luck, Scott.
Today was the best ride so far. I went 6 miles and ran out of gas just as I approached my street on the way home. I finally got a nice idle and could kick off from every stop sign. It was a blesssing and a joy.
I don't know why I have so much emotion wrapped up in this bike, other than it's just good therapy. I have to remain focused while I ride, so my mind is free of the clutter of life. But it's a fun focus.
I really appreciate the encouragement;). It was a lot of fun working with Augi and keeping in mind so much of the stuff I have read here. I look forward to the day I can answer someone's question.
There's plenty of "embellishing"to do. I think I'll start saving up for a cruiser style. There's ton's of garage sales around here on the weekend, so I may ride my bike around and check out some inexpensive bikes, who knows what I'll find and I'll get to show off my bike.

I can't say thanks you everyone enough.


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