The Motored Biker Revolution!!

Sorry if I ruffle any feathers here, but getting the government involved in ANY fashion is something that I try to avoid whenever possible. I'd rather fly under the radar with the minimal regulations I already abide by, and be on my merry way. That's one thing I really like about these motorized bikes is the freedom from all the regulation , taxes, licensing and insurance requirements, etc. I know the officials here will either tax it to death or regulate it to the point where it's no longer worth doing. If that happens, maybe I'll just use the parts I can and build a hovercraft or something LOL.....I guess I like being in the "gray area"
Agreed. If I had to license/register and insure it etc., I would just get a regular motorcycle or go back to pedalling.
We need to keep the 20 mph standard. If we say we need to raise this limit this would absolutely KILL the movement for even some under 50 cc scooters struggle at 35 mph.
If we tell people that our bikes can go faster than 20 mph then you got yourself a scooter,son.
So what your bike can go 23 or 30 mph. Your engine is redlining at that speed. Your car can go a hundred miles an hour.
20 mph and less you are humming along with good gas efficiency.
I mean it's still a bicycle.
20 mph is plenty fast.
My cruising speed is 15 to 18 myself so I can smell the flowers without worrying about a sudden lock up.
It's a pretty good cruising speed. Yes your slower than a car or the roadie passing you but it's all about showing the world that Motored Bike riders are responsible people.
Personal responsiblity & common sense vs. government control & regulation

I for one think a 20 mph limit is absolutely ridiculous and downright dangerous.What about non motored bicycles ? Should they be restricted to 20 mph as well ??? How about going down that huge hill ? Do you really want to ride the brake to stay under 20 ? I feel that going that slow will get you run over commuting across town, at least in some areas....I'd feel much safer being able to keep up with traffic at least at a respectable pace. For those that think 20 mph is sufficient, then fine....don't ride any faster than you are comfortable with, but to hold everyone to those personal beliefs isn't right. I'm happy not to exceed the posted speed limits, and to exercise good old fashioned common sense and good judgement. The laws in Kentucky state that it is illegal to drive a car without a seatbelt, but riding a motorcycle without a helmet is fine....go figure lol. As for me, I wear my seatbelt and always wear a helmet....but I do so because I CHOOSE to, NOT because the government says I have to. My car is capable of going 150 mph, but that doesn't mean I drive that fast. Do you think that cars should be governed so they can't exceed the speed limits ? What's the difference ? I think that is a matter of personal responsiblity....same goes for the motorized bicycles. I've ridden some that go well over 40mph, and that exceeds my personal comfort level.....I also used to ride and EZ Racers Gold Rush recumbent bike with NO motor and have reached speeds of 50 mph and felt very much in control and was quite comfortable....depends on the bike, the rider, and the conditions.
As Ben Franklin once said, " Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty or safety."
Tyiden thats all well and good but to everyone else looking at you if you exceed 30 then they are looking at a moped in their minds.
If you can outrun a scooter then get it registered the same as a scooter.
I think the 20 law is a good speed for a motored bike.
Going 20 or less shows the world that you are on an ENGINE ASSIST BICYCLE!!
As far as traffic goes this is why I'm sticking to the bike trails and everywhere other bicycles go.
I am on a BICYCLE.
I am not speeding in excess of 20 mph.
I allow faster peddelers to pass me.
My engine assists me in pedaling.
Every time I pass people especially those with dogs or on a horse I shut down my engine and pedal so that I don't spook the animal.
You feel safer commuting by going faster speeds? Get a Moped or Motorcycle.
Because going fast on a motoredbike while thinking your being safe is actually putting you in a more dangerous environment.
What would happen to the car on your tail frustrated that you can't go any faster than 40 mph if your chain suddenly locks up?
What would happen to you?
It may not happen that way. The 55 speed limit everyone has always thought was ridiculous because we can drive safely going faster.
But it's there because not everyone has the same driving experience.
Same goes for riders.
a 30 mph speed limit it only takes one *&^%$ to ruin it for all of us.
"I was only going 30 when my I lost my brakes because it's raining and ran over that stroller"
So bottom line. It's about educating the world as to what they are looking at.
And it's not a motorcycle.
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Sorry if I ruffle any feathers here, but getting the government involved in ANY fashion is something that I try to avoid whenever possible. I'd rather fly under the radar with the minimal regulations I already abide by, and be on my merry way. That's one thing I really like about these motorized bikes is the freedom from all the regulation , taxes, licensing and insurance requirements, etc. I know the officials here will either tax it to death or regulate it to the point where it's no longer worth doing.
Well... I think it's important to inform our officials of MBs because most just don't know about them. Those that do know seem to be on our side and have defined MBs as something separate from motorcycles. The officials I'm wanting to inform are those who have archaic laws that are so vague (like Missisippi or Alabama), a cop could say I'm riding a motorcycle... even tho it's clearly not, and cannot be registered as a motorcycle.

I do not think that they would regulate these right away, but it seems that the government always does regulate when the product/service becomes widespread. Even still, I do not think registering a MB would ever be more than a few bucks, like Colorado does. I'm fine with paying a few bucks every couple years or whatever, but being hassled by a cop who reads the laws literally and wants to give me a hard time just because he takes his job too seriously is not fun for anyone.

The whole purpose of this is making the "important" people aware of MBs. It's necessary prevention. Torques had a problem in a state that is MB-friendly, but someone else in that state (astring?) decided to print out the AZ law and show it to a cop he saw on duty. That prevention will go a long way in states that already have MB-friendly laws, and states that need to become MB-friendly soon.

I do think the issue with Torques is a little insane, tho... which is why I'm all for a 30mph speed limit on MBs. I do not want to go faster than that, and I don't even really want to go 30mph. I'm happy with 20-25mph, but if there's a 20mph limit... and I'm going 22mph, I don't want to be hassled with. I'd settle for a 25mph limit, but I think 30mph is more practical. I'd also agree that it's safer to ride in traffic at 30mph on a 35mph road, than to ride at 20mph on a 35mph road... there's less people passing you when you're almost able to keep up with traffic.

Anyway, I'm going to be tweaking the letter just a bit to make sure the only requirements are:
- 16 years of age
- helmet
- headlight
- no more than 50cc
- no more than 30mph

And then we can start compiling a list of states we need to contact and each state's officials... then a list of volunteers who want to help call/email/send letters/donate/etc.

Anybody know of a way we could accept donations, tho? I don't really know what to do about that... or should we just say, buy your own stationary to write letters? I'd really like to figure out some trustworthy way to accept donations before we move on... if we can't figure something out, there will just be less letters mailed.

It all makes sense but as an opinion,and this is just my opinion now,to have a 30 mph legal limit on our bikes would be the same as having a hundred mile per hour speed limit on the highways because our cars can max out at that speed.
If states would pass the 30 law for us then like (sorry for picking on you) that guy that built his pusher engine from that hand truck that can go 52 mph would be seen riding it at 35 or 40 mph and slow it down to 30 when he sees a cop just like all of us slows down our cars from 75 to 55 on the highway when we see a cop.
Another thing I'm seeing here is that we are gonna get some opposition. 30 mph is pretty fast from a person's point of view standing still and you pass him two feet away from each other. If were gonna get respected we need to say 20,man. If the opposition sees that were not kids tearing it up because were not gonna go faster than 20 then we have a chance. To say were not gonna go faster than 30 is almost saying that we are capable of more so we should register it as a scooter.
Then the whole traffic dangerous stance we can actually join forces with the roadie crowd to get some more bike lanes out there. Your engine is getting close to redline if not already there when it comes to most engine kits so your gonna want to take that bike lane I would hope.
Remember. We are talking about speed limits. EVERYONE has speeded more than 10 over the limit at one time or another. EVERYONE has gone 35 mph in their car when the speed limit is 25. And 15 mph in a car is CRAWLING.
Motoredbikes in my opinion do not belong with traffic. We are sLOW MOVING VEHICLES.
We belong where bicycles belong.
You make some valid points, and you are quite right about police officers interpreting the laws to suit their misinformed opinions. I can also see keeping your speed down to a reasonable level.....but I think 20 mph is a bit conservative. Frankly, on the motorized bicycle 30 - 32mph is about all I want anyway. It gets pretty "intense" beyond that lol. The goldrush I rode was designed for high speeds, had a mile long wheelbase, and top quality brakes, fairing, etc. Regardless, I do ride in a responsible manner and try to be respectful of those around me and that doesn't seem to attract too much attention, even at 30mph. This doesn't necessarily mean I always go as fast as I can, but I do like having the freedom to do so when conditions warrant and when it's safe. Frankly no matter what the maximum allowable speed is, there will ALWAYS be that one ((#*@&$($$ out there that makes it worse for all of us, and there will always be those that are prime candidates for "the Darwin award" . I just don't think tighter restrictions are the answer. Education is indeed a good thing, but be careful not to just feed them enough rope to hang ourselves. Making an issue out of it will make it go one way or the other.....the problem is the government decides which way. Either way, when I get my cruiser together the motor won't be visible at a distance unless they really want to see what I have my (well ventilated) touring bag ;) No matter what the limits are, they will still pull you over "just to check" . I suppose I'm happy with the way things least where I live, without rocking the boat. I'd rather not see what's behind door number three.
... to have a 30 mph legal limit on our bikes would be the same as having a hundred mile per hour speed limit on the highways because our cars can max out at that speed.
Nope. Perhaps my MB can go 50mph, but I'd still respect the 30mph limit if that's what it took to not get any trouble from the cops.

If states would pass the 30 law for us then like (sorry for picking on you) that guy that built his pusher engine from that hand truck that can go 52 mph would be seen riding it at 35 or 40 mph and slow it down to 30 when he sees a cop just like all of us slows down our cars from 75 to 55 on the highway when we see a cop.
Well, he got caught going 40mph, and the cop didn't even care. If he continues to go that fast, he will get caught, and that's his fault. Reasonable rules shouldn't be broken... we're trying to get reasonable laws.

30 mph is pretty fast from a person's point of view standing still and you pass him two feet away from each other.
Sure is. Lance Armstrong could fly by someone standing still faster than 30mph, and that's sustained speed. Bikes can easily handle 30mph, and I think that's what the limit should be based on... what any bike can easily handle, and 30mph is it.

If the opposition sees that were not kids tearing it up because were not gonna go faster than 20 then we have a chance. To say were not gonna go faster than 30 is almost saying that we are capable of more so we should register it as a scooter.
So, therefore to say we're not gonna go faster than 20 is almost saying that augi, kerf, Torques, etc. all need to register their MBs as scooters.

Your engine is getting close to redline if not already there when it comes to most engine kits...
Exactly... so if someone wants to rev their chengine to destruction, so be it. It's their choice so long as they're not doing anything illegal or unsafe.

Remember. We are talking about speed limits. EVERYONE has speeded more than 10 over the limit at one time or another. EVERYONE has gone 35 mph in their car when the speed limit is 25. And 15 mph in a car is CRAWLING.
Exactly... everybody speeds, so why set a 20mph limit that slows down traffic and causes more cagers to pass you up (every close pass is a brush with serious injury and maybe even death, regardless of how fast you are going).

Motoredbikes in my opinion do not belong with traffic. We are sLOW MOVING VEHICLES.

We belong where bicycles belong.
This is what's odd when talking about laws in America. Every state and every city makes up their own stuff based on what they've got to work with. When you speak of riding your MB, you go on "trails" which are different from my trails; yours are bike trails, mine are nature trails... and it's the nature trails that the laws of no motors are made for. You have bike lanes, whereas there's only one road on the entire Miss Gulf Coast that has a bike lane. You prolly have tons of sidewalks, whereas we still only have that same one road with a bike lane in addition to a sidewalk (both are very rarely used)... and we're finally getting a sidewalk on the beach now, thanks to Katrina. My only option is to ride with traffic, and I'd rather stay close to their speed as all roads in the city are 25, 30, or 35 mph, and obviously I wouldn't dare to ride on the highway. It just depends on where you're talking about.
Making an issue out of it will make it go one way or the other.....the problem is the government decides which way.
You are the government, as much as people don't like to believe that anymore.

I suppose I'm happy with the way things least where I live, without rocking the boat. I'd rather not see what's behind door number three.
Where do you live? And what are your local laws regarding MBs? If there are laws in your favor, there's no boat to rock. If not, you'd best rock the boat before a cop decides to make you pay a fine or go to court.