top end speed



what are the top speeds that anyone has got and what engine size are you using
34 mph on straightaways is what my neighbors. with their digital speedometers, clock me at breaking in engines along the road.

I can wave one down when I am thinking an engine is running really sweet, but 34 is consistent with the 25 cc GEBE.

I imagine I'm hitting 38-40 on some steep downhill runs.

There is a hill, right below my driveway, as steep as any in the county, and Edwin (across the road) says I pull it at 26 mph.

GPS said 30 mph, or about 48 kph. That was before break-in was complete and with the stock, full baffle with a dax 70cc kit.

I'm guessing around 35 mph now that it's broken in....haven't used the GPS yet.
I've been through 3 sprockets on my bike, trying to find a good cruising RPM for 30MPH. 44T maxed out at 32MPH (blowing the engine in the process), 39T maxed out at 38MPH, and I've never taken it over 38 with the 34T.

I was going 35MPH with traffic yesterday and a cop passed me with a thumbs up! I'll take it as a good omen :LOL:
I've seen 36 mph measured on a GPS on a Kings engine with 44 tooth sprocket. My other engines are slower.


On my Kings 80cc and with my 260 lbs using my analog it registers at 36 MPH but going into a headwind I actually have to bend down to keep it past 20 MPH. 44T Sprocket and a heavy cruiser.
SchwinnAlloySeven_GT5 said:
I've been through 3 sprockets on my bike, trying to find a good cruising RPM for 30MPH. 44T maxed out at 32MPH (blowing the engine in the process), 39T maxed out at 38MPH, and I've never taken it over 38 with the 34T.

I was going 35MPH with traffic yesterday and a cop passed me with a thumbs up! I'll take it as a good omen :LOL:

That's always a good sign. Around here when I see a cop I usually wave or smile. Always get a thumbs up back if i'm following the laws. It helps to be polite :D
Hi I have a 50 tooth sprocket on my 70cc motor I can go about 23 before the bike starts to vibrate to much to stand if i go to a 44 tooth sprocket how much faster will I be and will that help keep the vibration down at higher speeds. and how is that 44 tooth on hills im about 235 ib
Hi I have a 50 tooth sprocket on my 70cc motor I can go about 23 before the bike starts to vibrate to much to stand if i go to a 44 tooth sprocket how much faster will I be and will that help keep the vibration down at higher speeds. and how is that 44 tooth on hills im about 235 ib
you should get 28-30
it'll be harder on take-off though
Hi , I'm 260lb's but more importantly my bike is also heavy. I have Worksman HD wheels and I mean Heavy Duty. The front rim alone weighs in at over 13 pounds without the tire and tube.. And also add a saddle style basket set and other extras and I have a heavy bike. The first engine was a Kings 80cc and I ran a 44 tooth and got good results. It was clocked at 37 mph on flat ground. I still have that engine and plan to install it on another bike soon. The new Dac's 65cc that I got is just now nearing the end of its brake in and really comming into its own.I installed a 36 tooth sprocket and can tell its faster than the old 80cc 44 tooth set up for sure. I'd guess its prob. going to be able to pull 40 mph on flat ground if I dare to do it.........T