Trek 4500/ GP460 now Staton 18.75 Drive


thanks for asking and that may have some bearing on the issue.

originally i had wanted a solid gear up there, bu twhen i was first gathering parts David was out of the 16T gears so i went with a shaft to freewheel adapter / gear setup.

while running in vert. mode i was fighting with the chainline for awhile and must have damaged it. it doesn't freewheel any more, has slop in it and the gear can move around some.

i'll try to remedy this before i move on, but it's a done deal, all i need is cash to bring the pieces together for the jackshaft belt drive.

I had the problem bad first time out, changing to a new 1/8" ACS freewheel and 510H chain helped a great deal. Above 35 it is just audible but I can feel no surge.
yes since you mentioned it i can see how oscilation in that top freewheel would transfer directly into wag and that surging feeling.

i'm certain this K710 chain is not part of the problem, it barely moved during the first test ride.

i'll have to call David.

end of the line

this is the end of this chapter. i've found out what i wanted to know about both the GEBE and Staton offerings.

they are both good and desireable kits, but i'm looking at producing an alternative that combines the best of both and hopefully deals with the compromises.

the first of these kits will be directed at the use of the Chung Yang GP460 engine sinc ethat's what i have. if there is enough interest i'll provide mounting arrangements for the more popular engines.

you can find my staton inside drive and complete rear wheel for sale in the buy/ sell / trade forum.

i'll be back...............
steve your insight is second too none, enjoy your winter prototype building and hopefully when you pop out in the spring you will have a kit that will have everybody begging for more,

good luck,

thanks VP,

i was totally impressed with the youtube video you put up of the kit you expected to put on the trike, that thing is in a class by it's self. if i had better weather i'd go friction for sure.

i hope to get my project done so i'm doing proving on knobbies in the snow !!

i'll still be around,
just a note for those who are considering a Staton gear / chain drive setup and planing to do more than 25mph.

you will HAVE to use an adequit chain guide / tensioner to keep the chain under control. part of the problem is that the chain will oscilate side to side as much as anything else.

i found the side to side motion to be MOST of the whawhawhawhawha surging and it was delt with as soon as i fashioned a guide today.

Hello Detonator
A dual chain dampener , I use a plastic roller skate wheel be for the drive sprocket and another one after the driven sprocket.
Hello Detonator
A dual chain dampener , I use a plastic roller skate wheel be for the drive sprocket and another one after the driven sprocket.
Detonator or Spad4me:
I'd like to see picture of your chain tensioner guide, Staton Gear drive. Any chance you could post one, or directions as to how to build it? Thanks,
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