I cannot believe how incredibly difficult it is to get a part for this clutch. Plenty of places sell motor kits with a centrifugal clutch, but nobody has any parts available for them.
This is turning out to be about as bad as trying to get the Hall Sensors to fix my electric bike, which I eventually had to find myself by searching through piles of semiconductor spec sheets.
So far I have contacted all of the following vendors and none of them could get me the part based on the photo from the first post:
Simpson Motorbikes
Live Fast Motors
Kings Motorbikes
Five Flags Motorbikes
the eBay vendor I bought it from, along with several other eBay vendors
Dennis Foster (who is actually still looking based on the new photos I took)
Here is the worst response I got so far:
>Sorry, our kits don't have centrifical clutches. We would love to earn
>your business on one of our new bike engine kits. They have a 100%
>reliability rate so you won' t have to worry about parts and repair.
Beautiful. They don't sell parts because it is impossible for their motors to break or wear out. I wonder where they are getting those magic motors.