Two Stage Fuel Filter on HT


Local time
1:01 AM
May 18, 2008
Perth, Australia
ok guys my HT engine from zbox will be here tomorrow and i gave the guy an extra 5 bucks by accident so he said he will throw in an extra fuel line filter as he cant refund it. So now i have 2 fuel line filters, my question is can i put both of them on the fuel line so there is two stages. I was thinking it would be good as the fuel would then be very clean haha but i was thinking it may make less fuel flow as it might hold up the fuel flow a bit. Would this happen? Or is the Two Stage Fuel Filter idea a good one?

Thanks guy,
From Brendon.v
It's not a bad idea and would not restrict fuel flow enough to matter. However, unless the first one is a screen filter and the second one a finer paper filter, the second one won't do anything. If they are identical, I'd just hold onto it and use it when the first one clogs up.