Unacceptable posts & Bogus info

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Unhappy Time

I fully agree. Once again, if not for this forum and it's member's, my bike would only be a dream right now!

MOTOREDBIKES.COM : If ya don't love this site and it's members. Don't let the door hit Ya where the Good LORD Split Ya!
yes - get on with it

it might be a good idea to avoid words like "noone". Though it may well be acurate.
They've had to clean up after me too. Try to learn from it and get on with having fun.

yes - I received a few also

but - I did not have to respond back the way in which I did

you got it right there - learn from it and get on with having fun

as we -- ride those thing
Lets get back to business

Come on guys..lets get back to why we are here..BIKES..Let some girls forum groan and moan about who said what etc..dont forget newbees also get all the info and tips to complete their build and get this for free..I could not have got on with the chopper without all the knowledge in MBc..If you have a problem go to Dr Phil (Mr Potato Head)
Now back to the bikes..ENO
Anywhere we go, we're bound to have disagreements. This is a normal.
But, here at MBc, we must disagree with a certain amount of tact.

tact--(noun); a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations.

Name calling & personal insults will be edited and the following statement will be added to the objectionable post.
"MBc EDIT - This post contained content that is listed in the MotoredBikes.com rules as unacceptable."

Posts containing Bogus Info will be tagged with......
"MBc EDIT - This post contains information or advice that MotoredBikes.com knows to be incorrect."

Original Message from April of 2007 Still holds True.
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