Very Expensive Learning Experience

I just had a happy thought about my 2 working motors. They both fit the same gebe kit with no problems. So if I want an engine change for any reason, it's just a matter of 8 bolts, 4 for the gear and 4 on the rack. Possible engine chg in like 5 mins. WOW that's amazing isin't it..
Good Deal !!

Alright !!! Yes.. I'll bet she was a smoker for sure !! lol. Too funny.. At any rate. You got her back !! Those are great motors. GEBE sells some of the best motors going.. I know. I used to sell them.. And a lot more too. Back when they were Wisconsin Robin. Among many others. I really enjoy motors and various applications. Among the most fun, putting them on bicycles and saving money. Since I have my Titan, I really do not ride my Harley that much. but..Today.. I did. I charged the battery, and lit the bike. Then washed her off. Looks great for an almost 30 year old bike. First Year Evo. FXRS. I filled her up with gas.. over 12 dollars to fill her up !! Yikes !!! This is unreal !! Over 12 bucks to fill up my FXR. Wow !! I still can not get over that. That was a first that it ever cost as much to fill up as my car used to cost. I will have to park my FXR again and go back to Titan.. :???: and the word is.. Gas is cheap at 4 bucks a gallon. Cheap compared to what they say it is going to cost. This is un real.. But what can you do? I guess gas my bicycle and ... Enjoy the ride...:D
wow for me to say this about them is a plus

well that is the best thing i have ever heard good job golden eagle

yes i sayed it
I've done 1000 kms on my frame-mounted 4-stroke from with the bike completely upside down in Australia!
now that my keester has been pulled out of the fire, i confess it was me who misjudged the R/S's position capabilities...sheesh! and the rest of the GEBE install had gone so well, we used the mbra chat and pretty much cruised along. when i looked at the R/S site, i saw the blurbs about "advanced oiling" and "wide selection of operating positions" and commenced to messing up Zev's engine, or almost. thanks, dax, for some great guidance, and everyone else for input about other engines, also.

most of all...thank you, Zev0...your patience is amazing, & you're a good buddy...building you that SLA lighting harness you seem to like so much would be the least i could do to show my appreciation :cool:
You saved the engine and killed every mosquito in the neighborhood?
Sounds like things haven't worked out too badly at all. Glad to hear it.

This is almost "water under the bridge" but I've always had the impression that if you tilt a four-stroke too much, then the oil pump is sucking air. I suppose the small engines might not even have a true pump, but they'll have some method of getting the oil up to the top. Modern weed-eater four strokes apparently have some method of counter-acting this. So it might not be a big concern in the future. But anyone who considers mounting in an unconventional way should heed Dax's advice to be absolutely sure of what you have.

You guys are welcome. I just thought I would put that out there since I have seen it before. Glad I could help your guy out. Enjoy the ride...
most ...

most conventional air cooled 4 stroke for IC use are splash type. They simply have a small stick metal that splashes into the crank case oil as the crank spins around. It gets the oil all over inside the engine. And..I mean all over !!! Top to bottom. For those non premix engines that can be tilted at any angle like a 2 stroke, they use another type of oiler system. Pump or Drip method to get the oil where it is needed. Some use misting as well. At any rate, I am glad to help out. Enjoy the ride....