Water Cooled

All those pocket bike engines need is a good gear reduction to put them within useable range for use on a bike, a custom mount and a chain conversion.All this can be done now.
My Wifes motoredbike is an experiment right now with a pocket bike engine, CVT trans with a slight gear reduction I should have it running in about two weeks.

I still think they are to wide with the pull start and gearbox so maybe a wide crank kit that is used for the 4-stroke motoredbike setups could be used.Or get rid of the pull start on them to narrow them and put a manual clutch on it for the pedal start option.The pull start could possibly be moved and turned 90% kind of like what has been done to RC engines.

I myself dont care so much about having the max HP but rather the overall quality/reliability/consistancy of the engine plus those engines just look great.

Actually I'd like to see a custom crankcase made for use on bikes but uses pocket bike engine components.
Small copper tubing wrapped around the cylinder head is the simplest way to "water cool' these engines and I have seen it done before. You would need a small radiator, an electric water pump, and some tubing and Viola! water cooled engine. The hard part would be ensuring you have sufficient flow to rapidly dissipate the heat.
Way back when, I read in a VW magazine about a guy who welded sheet metal around the vw jugs to top and bottom fins drilled or nothed center fins and made water cooled vw Now vw jugs don't have exhaust or intake ports in them but guess a good welder could seal around the ports.
OK, IMO I think we need to look at the pocket bike engines and go from there or even better make a "made-in-U.S.A." kit.

But I think starting with something along these lines is in order.
P.B.U.-10.0 This engine is just perfect.

PocketbikesUnlimited just has some awesome looking engines and I would love to see them run to see what they can do.

I can get one of these engine pretty cheap.Its a Chinese model called pollini. Im thinking of putting on onto my BMX.