I would like to know how to remove the piston from connecting rod, I have removed retainers on each side but that's as far as I can get.
Can anyone tell me how to go farther ?
will try tonight augi, there seems to be some slack in the piston head,which moves from side to side on the arm. like i said l will get to it tonight and let ya know, thanx
Just push the pin through with something like a phillips screwdriver that is too big to fit through the hole in the wrist pin. Be sure to support the piston so you're not putting sideways pressure on the rod.
The piston is supposed to slide from side to side but it shouldn't rock back and forth sideways very much.
thanks for the tip, pin came out like you described
now, the bad news is that connecting rod has lots of play
I'm thinking needle bearings are gone, or crank pin
how do you get that far inside :???:
me n vinnie got the livefast with the screwed clutch to experiment on but it's his dax that has the loose crank. so he is anxious to find a fix
p.s. it's very surprising how much difference between the two engine factories