Detailed picture of engine setup

For the grinding the pin off approach...

i used a dremel to grind off the entire head of the pin, then pried up the side of the chain link with a chisel. once i got it off that last little bit of pin, i bent what was left to get it off the pin

be very careful which link (pin) you are grinding... getting the wrong one could suck.
my solution...
hit it with a hammer with a wrench under it till its flat with the top, then hit it with somthing thin enough till you can get the 1 side out
then beat it more until you can get the link off(remember, each link is 2 parts, remove from the proper 1)
a thin flathead/slot screw driver fits perfectly between links and prys them apart when hit with a hammer, although i did get the screwdriver stuck at first haha