HT factory photos

1/2 joking 1/2 not. Not a good idea to turn metal or use any power tool w/o eye protection.

Working in a shop with a friend, we used to regularly use an eye extraction tool that had a very blunt end. Kind of like a q-tip made of steel that was magnetic. Very smooth as to not cause damage to the eye. Worked very well to get rust ect. out.

Biggest thing not to do if you get something in your eye, hold it open and don't blink! Blinking although natural reaction will work the metal into your eye! Once the metal is embeded in your eye, your having a medical bill to pay!

We used to get stuff out of our eye's all the time using 40-50lb fishing line twirled into a loop. You make the loop the size of 2 match heads and make darn sure there are no burs in the line. Wrap the sharp end in tape for a handle. Don't poke the cut end (sharp part) in your eye!!! Use the loop and you can get right into the corner!

Once a non magnetic piece of metal gets in your eye, even Dr.'s have problems getting it out.