(Chinese) 2-Stroke Ban, and Do We Care?

Do you care about the 2-stroke ban?

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Cause: "man's greenhouse gases"... among other forms of destruction

Effect: "God's hail & brimstone"... among other forms of destruction

Anyway, all the fuss here is about people who have been illegally importing and selling Chinese 2-strokes that don't meet EPA regulations. It looks like some vendors could actually be complying with the regulations, but we're yet to see any actual certification (excluding the Hua Sheng 4-stroke).
The four horses in the pasture next to mine have probably farted more green house gasses today than any little 2 stroker buzzing to the dollar store a couple times a week.
back to basics

Let me see if I can put my thoughts together coherently here...
I'm not gonna debate the emissions vs. fuel consumption- it's all interelated, and therefore must all be taken into account; we've got to look at the big picture and the ultimate bottom line to get a realisitc view. Numbers may be absolute, but when it comes to statistics, numbers can be skewed to support whatever side you're on.
I've no more to say on that.
What I'd like to get at is the idea of letting the solution be the revolution!
If we, collectively in this community, can work towards friendly legislation on the legalities of motored bikes overall, and can promote and present a good public image, it will lead us further down the road towards bringing these two strokes to America; by way of finding manufacturing HERE! We can build tier II compliant engines here...
Yes, yes, I know the nay sayers will shout about costs, and impossibilities, but were almost at a snapping point in this country, something has got to give, and either we will need to pull it back together or collapse and fall.
Why not work towards these little engines being the solution, and therefore, the revolution?
My final shout is that I hate government intrusion, I understand the need for some of it, but they get carried away and go way too far.
I hate the E.P.A. and the unfair play they get away with. Thyey ARE big business and it's all about lining pockets, NOT what's in the best interest of everyone overall.
I hate new cars, they are ugly, expensive, and **** near impossible to fiddle with. That's why i drive around in a pollution maker; it's part rebellion, part love...
So we've debated and discussed, now let's see if we can move the discussion towards action... What can we do? how can we get involved?
Where can we get started to make a difference and make this possibility a reality?
once again riff youve given us a chance to stop & take stock in the evolution of motoerdbikes. what is the future? how can we most help to further the movement in a positive public light!
You say you're an engineer dax?
Reread this http://www.greenermiami.com/greenermiami/2006/08/back_in_may_the.html and redo the math. Older scooters put out more pollution than current SUVs according to their testing. These cheap Chinese 2 smokers are terrible polluters...Period! I realize they are a source of income for you but they are junk. Fun junk but still junk.

4 stroke oil vs 2 stroke oil? What a laugh. 2 smoker oil is partially burnt then sent out a non-CAT muffler on these HT engines. 4 stroke oil should be sent to the recycling pick-up, like at Autozone. Sheesh!
right on old pete ya hit it on the head!
The four horses in the pasture next to mine have probably farted more green house gasses today than any little 2 stroker buzzing to the dollar store a couple times a week.

My wife says I probably have the horses beat. Don't tell Al Gore...:D
Greenhouse gases and the man caused Global Climate Change myth have more to do with politics than they do about science. Henny-penny may have told Cocky-locky that "The sky is falling"; but Gorey-borey tells Peeple-weeple that "The globe is warming". Politicians deal with science-ism, not science. Science is not a philosophy of life, it is a theoretical method of describing observed processes.

SCIENCE: "Systematized knowledge derived from observation, study, and experimentation carried on in order to determine the nature or principles of what is being studied." (Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language)"

For instance, some politicians calling themselves "Scientists", scare people about CO2; but we can't live without it.

"PHOTOSYNTHESIS: The process in green plants and certain other organisms by which carbohydrates are synthesized from carbon dioxide, CO2, and water using light as an energy source. Most forms of photosynthesis release oxygen as a byproduct." The earth goes through cycles; it always has; and there is no change unaccounted for or different than in the past.

Now, regardless of the source, politicians and politics are not science, and that goes double for Gorey-borey.

I'll ride my bike with a clear conscience, because there is a class of people in this world that look around and see what other people are doing to have fun and satisfaction. After they find out, they work to either stop other people from having fun, or they jump in and tax it to oblivion. A pox on all the killjoys of the world.
...there is a class of people in this world that look around and see what other people are doing to have fun and satisfaction. After they find out, they work to either stop other people from having fun, or they jump in and tax it to oblivion. A pox on all the killjoys of the world.

I can agree with that...
Well sure, electric hubs are the way to go. Nobody wants to pollute, but batteries and oil are both bad.

Now tell me, why doesn't a North American company produce a hub motor - those things are so cheaply made and they sell for $200?
I was reading this thread that started 5/31/07 the subject being that the 2 stroke were on the verge of being outlawed by the EPA. Then as I read the various posts going down the time line I notice near the end there is no more mention of the foreboding domes day for the 2 stroke. Now I know that no longer are 2 stroke motorcycles sold here, the EPA put an end to that. Now I'm wondering is this being overlooked like they did with all the garden equipment that are still 2 stroke. What's the deal?