Most powerful frame mount?

It depends on what's important to you. Brute Power or smooth power and DB levels. The 5.8hp modded up to the 9 hp is always my favorite .
hey ezy rider
igot pulled over by the the cops in cali on my 80cc china girl for speeding
can i run the 5hp or the 9hp morini in cali on da streets?

how fast can igo with does motors?? 50 mph?? 60 mph+++???
were can i buy morini motors? send me a message! thanx
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Hi Easy,

I spoke to you once before about purchasing one of these kits.
Are you guys still selling them? Your website doesn;t work for me. Has it changed?
I don't have a bike picked out yet but I'm looking to build a boardtrack style - modern bike with a vintage look by next summer. Can you let me know how much the kits are and how I would go about purchaing one? Since I'm not sure what frame I'll use, if you want to suggest one to go with the style I'm looking for that will also fit your mounting kit, that would be great.


I wish you would have contacted me before you bought the motor. I could have saved you 10% off the motor or Pipelyne would have sold you the whole motor kit for about $150 more than what you paid it would have included the motor mounts, tank , sprocket and pipe.