My thatsdax engine dies or died on me : /

I've got same problem on a dax I bought new last September and just installed 3 weeks ago. I'm suspecting an airleak and haven't had time to track it down.
Easiest checks. Pop of the air cleaner.
As mentioned, does the throttle cylinder go ALL the way up on open throttle?

This also allows you to check the choke opens and closes properly.

I know, sounds mindless, but I left my choke half closed once and started with all the other stuff first.
I have the answer/solution

Alright I checked everything and the main symptom I can find is while I pedal the engine it'll respond back with threatening powerful popping noises spitting out smoke from the carb.

The solution was to get a new sparkplug. PROBLEM SOLVED. I had no clue a sparkplug could fail or simply turn into **** that dramatically over a day. I checked it and thought it was good, but replaced it and boom. No problem anymore. Before the engine may start but would die and i thought everything was dieing. No way... With how everything was i didn't believe it at first. Sparkplug is a big big BIG influence on the engine, i thought it was just there to start it ~nope It's more than that
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Good one, glad you sorted it out. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, it's a good idea to swap plugs first. Partly because it's easiest.
Sometimes a plug can look good, but can have a crack in the ceramic deep in the plug body that allows it to short. Sometimes it sparks OK when out on the head, but shorts under compression, causing missing.

For that reason, if you ever drop a plug on a hard surface, ie concrete, it's a good idea to replace it.
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