Magneto coil failure?

Dan, can't help on the CDI but both ways of hooking up the kill switch will work, I use the wires on the CDI on all my builds. I've had I CDI go bad and that was within 3 days of receiving the kit....Hence my signature on "Luckyearlybird"

Got this off of another forum......

All of my honda OEM service guides, Xrs, XLs, Nxs...

all have the same wording..

If the CDI is suspected to be bad, the only reliable way to test it is to swap it for a known good unit. If the bike runs, the former CDI is bad. NO S**t

OK Dan... Tell me why the engine stud broke... How did you have the engine aligned with the frame...
The studs were the stock ones. The angle of the MICARGI M50 frame is not the same as the engine mount angle. The rear mount spacer did not sit flush to the engine when bolted up. The rear mount would have to be higher on the seat tube. That would through the front mount way off! even with a somewhat "happy medium" I could not use the intake it came with, so I used the billet (short & straight) intake. Had to go with angle fire head (was going to anyway). The stock head would not allow you to change plugs with the tool they give you (could not put it on the plug,it hit the top tube)! Do you know were I can get a Quality CDI & MAG? I'm with out transportation!
Bad CDI or MAG?

:unsure: I had my old R.U. hooked up to CDI, it worked fine (over 2000mi on it) That's why I hooked this one the same way! :unsure: I should have checked resistance of the MAG first. :whistle: The MAG I took out of the (broken stud engine) reads closer to the book specs. Got to wait till next week to ordered another CDI (NO $$$ this week):cry: Ron, Have any thoughts on the ohm readings I got? MAG putting out too much?...Dan
The studs were the stock ones. The angle of the MICARGI M50 frame is not the same as the engine mount angle. The rear mount spacer did not sit flush to the engine when bolted up. The rear mount would have to be higher on the seat tube. That would through the front mount way off! even with a somewhat "happy medium" I could not use the intake it came with, so I used the billet (short & straight) intake. Had to go with angle fire head (was going to anyway). The stock head would not allow you to change plugs with the tool they give you (could not put it on the plug,it hit the top tube)! Do you know were I can get a Quality CDI & MAG? I'm with out transportation!

This is where I wish we had a icon of a man bashing his head against a wall. These engines are basically junk and need special attention. For those that are building one for the first time, the problem above is exactly why I recommend at the bare minimum that the engine fit the bike and not the bike to the engine, AND a replacement of all studs. Out of 5 builds, I have not seen 1 bike frame that the engine fit correctly, ALL had to have a mount modification, weather front, rear, or both.

As far as the CDI and magneto, the only thing I've found is junky OEM parts. In dealing with a CDI it's a swap out and lets see if it runs, type of thing. The mag can be checked.
Ron I agree about that icon, that way I wouldn't have to do it for real! :sick: well, I put the mag off my first engine (broken studs) on this engine. Now it runs. Took it for a short test run, about 1/4 mile or so. All up hill, just in case it quit, I could coast it home. :unsure: So it must be the mag & not CDI. The mag was not burnt. They both had the same mfg date (exact to the day). Assuming 2009 8 6 Is year, day, month or month, day. Still nervous about a long ride, 3 or more miles. :cry: The apt. I live in is up hill from town. They are not steep, just long. + it's Wendy here allot (so far). :mad: Still going to buy another mag & CDI to carry around with me, + my leatherman to take off the engine drive chain for easier peddling!!!
I own a ybr 125 and my bike has lost complete power( no power on lights, rev counter,indicators and no power on solaroid.. bike starts if I run/kick start it and drives but still no power...
What's wrong?