Got hit today.....

Good to hear you came through unscathed. Could very easily NOT
have been the case. Cell Phones have really only been around for 20 yrs.
Wide spread use to where MOST kids have them by age 12 is just now,
so I don't think laws regarding accidents and the use of them have really
evolved to where they'll eventually be. I think once enough toe-tags have
resulted, then it'll eventually be a "DUI" punishable type of offense. It's a
shame that it'll take that but we all know that it will. Glad you're OK.
How many freggin people must die before cell phone RIGHTS are brought into line. Iv'e seen many more stupid moves by cell phone drivers than drunks, and I've seen way to many drunks driving also.
Good to hear you came through unscathed. Could very easily NOT
have been the case. Cell Phones have really only been around for 20 yrs.
Wide spread use to where MOST kids have them by age 12 is just now,
so I don't think laws regarding accidents and the use of them have really
evolved to where they'll eventually be. I think once enough toe-tags have
resulted, then it'll eventually be a "DUI" punishable type of offense. It's a
shame that it'll take that but we all know that it will. Glad you're OK.

Years ago, I was running late to work because of crazy heavy traffic. When I finally got to work, I was chewed out for not calling... despite the fact that it would have meant calling while driving. Granted, it would have been SLOW driving, but it would have also meant contorting myself in my car to reach into my pocket to get the phone in the first place. So, I defended the fact that I didn't call by simply saying "I will not use my phone while driving." I got attitude ALL DAY for being late and not calling...

A few months later, my company passed a rule that one can NOT make work related phone calls while driving (unless you have a hands-free device). "Work related" did include calling in to say you are running late. It was pure coincidence that the policy was passed so soon after my "encounter", but I sure did feel pretty smug when they announced it.

Few phone calls are so important that you need to make it RIGHT NOW no matter what else you are doing. If it actually IS that important, than it deserves your undivided attention-- AFTER you have gotten off the road...
I use a prepaid cell phone for almost all of my phone needs.

I carry it while I'm out of the house, but I do not answer it while driving, nor do I ever make calls while driving. To me, a telephone is a convenient tool, and like any tool it is my choice whether or not to use it. If use of a tool endangers myself or others, then it is my responsibility to avoid so endangering people.

Personally, I do not think that there is any need for any specific laws regarding cell phone use while driving. We already have available sufficient criminal code - just use it. Charge any person involved in an accident while using a cell phone with felony reckless endangerment, along with negligent operation of a motor vehicle. Showing that they were using the phone at the time is pretty simple - cell phone company usage records track times of calls and also track cell tower signal hand-offs - the info is there to be obtained by subpoena. Simply make such a subpoena a routine part of processing any injury accident, make getting cell phone numbers from motorists involved in accidents a routine part of investigation.
Charge any person involved in an accident while using a cell phone with felony reckless endangerment, along with negligent operation of a motor vehicle. Showing that they were using the phone at the time is pretty simple - cell phone company usage records track times of calls and also track cell tower signal hand-offs - the info is there to be obtained by subpoena. Simply make such a subpoena a routine part of processing any injury accident, make getting cell phone numbers from motorists involved in accidents a routine part of investigation.

you know-- I was rear-ended a couple years back by an uninsured driver (insurance was not required back then here in Wisconsin). I still have to sue him for the rest of the money to pay for the repairs... after he lost his license, we made arrangements for him to pay me, and he stopped paying after paying me $800 of the $3000 he owes me.

I bet he was on the phone. I didn't see him in my rear-view, but when we were talking at the side of the road, he said he was already late for an important business meeting...