I'm an MB'er, and it's all about ME!

I'm impressed with the 26 mph average speed!

I have the GEBE system with a Tanaka 32 cc engine that gives a top speed on the flats of 31-32 mph and that I usually ride full throttle when conditions permit (smooth road surface, good sight distance, absence of turning cars, etc.) My average speed on very rural routes (normally very hilly) is usually about 25 mph. With urban riding my average speed is usually about 20 mph. I get slowed down a lot by stop signs, traffic lights, potholes, turns, cars getting in the way, speed bumps, etc.

And I love the GEBE system. In 3500 miles of riding, it has never once broken down on the road and left me stranded. (I have had flat tires, but I fixed those on the road and continued on.) I have total confidence that my bike will get me where I want to go.

Found a pipe for your tanaka 33

Refer review
