(No electrolysis) Gas/Hydrogen hybrid MB

Pros & Cons

Care to add to the list?

1.No electricity needed (electrolysis)
2.Pure hydrogen (safer than brown gas, HHO)
3.Relatively light in weight
4.Better Mpg
5.cleaner emissions
6.simplicity of system
7. Lye, Aluminum and water are plentiful, affordable and renewable.

1.Hazardous caustic liquid on board MB
2. wast disposal
After the aluminum is consumed, the residue is essentially aluminum ore. Converting this back to aluminum is NOT the same as the recycling of scrap aluminum - it takes a little more energy as was released by its oxidation to return it to aluminum metal again.
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Yes Loquin, I stand corrected. It dose take more energy to recycle this form of aluminum. My point was that it isn't wasted or "consumed" It still has value.
yes, but the 'value' is so low as to be microscopic. It would be much, much cheaper to just mine more bauxite (aluminum ore) than it is to try to collect quarter pound batches at hundreds or thousands of sites, accumulate/store, and transport this powder to aluminum processing plants. Remember, since the aluminum 'ore' would have been contaminated by strong acids or lye, it would have to be processed (neutralized) before it could even be stored or disposed of, safely.
I doubt mining ore would be cheaper than ore that is already above the ground. The collection could be problematic. This aluminum oxide could be used in other applications tho, such as paint. With this form of gas/hydrogen hybrid you are utilizing the potential energy of water and the energy that was put into the refining of the ore. There are many kinds of recycling. This form of recycling has the potential of reducing the emissions of our bikes increasing the mpg. 25 to 35 %. Allot of our gas is flying out of our tailpipes (not combusted). With the lack of a viable source of electricity on our bikes this just seemed imho to be an alternative to electrolysis/brown gas method of hydrogen hybridization an I.C.E.