The Pocket Bike Engine and Your Opinion...

i trust that, but how are you checking ?

it makes the diff. between my needing an 8T or an 11T dirvr sprocket to get my gearing right.

guess i'll order both so i won't have to wait for the one i don't have.

i'd like to see and or hear more about the freewheel cranks please.

do you want to make your own freewheel its pretty easy . or i will be glad to make one for you . the one you saw was made using the bike crank a scooter freewheel hub . and believe it or not a bearing bowl for mountain bike crank , the bearing bowl has matching threads for the freewheal , and it all goes together nicely , what size motor are you using ? how much do you weigh ?
as for checking the tranny , this time i marked one tooth and and maarked the bell then turnned the sprocket one full turn and counted the bell going round 5 times , then for a double check i turned the bell 5 times and the sprocket turned one full rotation
well, that's a good enough check for me !!

i'm using a 46cc 5+HP GP460 2 stroke, weigh 135#'s max torque at 8,500, max HP at 11,000, will turn 13-15000 depending on terrain and gearing.

if i knew about the parts and had good pics i could likely do it myself, it's a non-esential right now, but an interest for the future.
