Define rally ?


Local time
6:40 PM
Nov 28, 2008
Santa Ynez,Ca.
I've never been to an organized ride or MB-rally.A road rally is a navigation event on public roads whereby competiors must visit a number of checkpoints in diverse geographical locations while still obeying road traffic laws.Is this something that is done? If not, does it sound like fun?
Thanks , Baverian
I've never been to an organized ride or MB-rally.A road rally is a navigation event on public roads whereby competiors must visit a number of checkpoints in diverse geographical locations while still obeying road traffic laws.Is this something that is done? If not, does it sound like fun?
Thanks , Baverian

I've never been to an organized rally yet despite the fact I organized the East Coast Rally!
Seriously though, the term "rally" is used here in the context of an organized gathering with added events. For instance, at the East Coast Rally at Cape Henlopen we had a couple of rides into neighboring Lewes, Delaware, a private swap meet and even took in a tour at the nearby historic site (Fort Miles). But most of all we rode, shared and gained knowledge, traded stories and had fun! Next year we even plan to add contests. We're considering having prizes for things like: "Farthest Traveled", "Cleanest Bike", "Dirtiest Bike", "Rarest Bike", "Most Break-downs", "Best Full (or Partial) Augi" and the like. Keep in mind, none of these are etched in stone...
Come join us for one of the Rallies if you can. The East Coast Rally is September 26 & 27 at Cape Helopen State Park in Delaware, and the National Rally is to be held at Ocean Park Washington, but I don't know if a date has been finalized for that event yet.
California Whiz-in

Hello Bavarian, and welcome to the wacky world of Whizzers! Quenton has been to the Big Events in the east, and was also at the fun-run that Kilroy was put together, so he can give you his version of the Eastern events.

I can, tho tell you about the format of the West Coast Whiz-In's that I have Ridden in, 2004 south Fresno, '05 South Fresno, 06 Kingsburg, 07 Kingsburg, and 08 Delta Whiz-In.

4, 5, 6, and 7 put on by the California Cushman Club, 08 by John Accetolla, and Ted Lusher.

It's late, I can write more details tomorrow, BUT we are planning a spring ride, and maybe it would be good for you to plan with Tom, my brother, and others in the Atascadero, Paso Robles, and Templeton areas to dovetail you guys plans into what is already in the works.

We are forming West Coast Whizzers, with members from all over, that is from Canadian border down to San Diego/Blythe areas, not to mention out-of staters like Idaho, and Utah.

It seems important that we do not overlap events, because we need to form up, and get a strong base now, as the fire is hot now.

You are welcome to contact me if you like, and I can fill you in on a lot of stuff. I do have Vonage, so the cost of the call is not an issue.

I have ridden with my Brother, his family, Tom, and Miles in Templeton at the 4th of july Parade for the last couple of years, and that is fun, tho it could end up to only be a part of the Ride you-all might have in your area, should you choose that time of the year.

It's late, I'm beat, and will write more after I see your reply. My website will give you my number, and I can give you a couple of locals in your area at that time.

a rally could be just a ride with others. the rally you refer to is understood. A rally might just be a meet, where people gather and have a staged and programmed good time with peraps races?