well I Did it! yes I cook my frist clutch,not made it slip or drag alittle,completly cooked! you can ride the bike with the lever out and NO DRAG!
so ltes start to say i'm 290 and I was pulling a bike trailer with 15gals of water,40 lbs of Dog food ,1gal of wash soap(tide) 1gal of bleach,1gal of mixed fuel,about 35 lbs of mics.food products, oh and the trailer itself is 47 lbs
lets see the bike with motor = 70 lbs
trailer....loaded = 270 lbs
me= bubba fat %^$ = 290 lbs
total = Deep Fried Clutch !!!!!
oh yea one more thing my tool kit about 15 lbs !!!
P.S. I sold my truck so I can pay my cc bills
....so the bike is my new truck.....its no chevy
but its paid for
so ltes start to say i'm 290 and I was pulling a bike trailer with 15gals of water,40 lbs of Dog food ,1gal of wash soap(tide) 1gal of bleach,1gal of mixed fuel,about 35 lbs of mics.food products, oh and the trailer itself is 47 lbs
lets see the bike with motor = 70 lbs
trailer....loaded = 270 lbs
me= bubba fat %^$ = 290 lbs
total = Deep Fried Clutch !!!!!

oh yea one more thing my tool kit about 15 lbs !!!
P.S. I sold my truck so I can pay my cc bills

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