Moop Two!!!!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Large Filipino
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I didn't want to do it,but I did.
RIP MOOP. :( So many memories.
So many mods.
Even with that tractor seat after a while by back would hurt riding MOOP.
Funny though when I talked to MOOP he was actually okay.
I think MOOP is the engine more than the bike surrounding it.
MOOP knows I'll ride him more now.
Ah the memories... NOOO!!!.jpg

And now...MOOP TWO!!MOOPTWO!!.jpg
MOOP TWO was a challenge in that I have my host home guy with me and I have no gas in my truck and I only have 10 bucks to my name this week so no going to the hardware store. So this entire build today was from parts laying around. Yesterday I got some hardware I took my client with me and had just enough gas in my truck.
So first challenge was the front mount. Simple fix. Plate is a concrete divider something comes in a box of like a thousand dude just gives me a few because you can't price per piece.Photo0285.jpg I used an old tire liner to protect the paint actually and offer some vibration dampening.
Then some of you remember how I did MOOP's clutch cable. I needed to fabricate a frame holder so I can keep the clutch cable without having to make another one. Here's the result.clutch.jpg
I kinda don't like how the cable is rubbing like that on the engine but it's working well actually. Here's the clamp: clutch mount.jpg
I also had trouble with my chain. It was too short! And my chain breaker is BROKEN!! But with a nail,hammer and a 2x4 with a hole in it,I got her done!
I really should add a link to that chain,though Clearances are pretty tight.
Then when I finally got her all done I needed a fuel line for the original one is too short! So I took a bit from that Boost Bottle and now actually that's the way that bottle is supposed to go anyway!
Here's another shot of MOOP 2!!MOOPTWO!jpg.jpg
And the thread that explains a bit as to how I acquired this bike and will give some history as we discover it.
So I took it for a test run, Right away there's some vibrations happening above 15 mph. Gotta tighten down those mounts. Maybe rethink those tire liners. This is an old frame so the tubes are rather thin. I need to keep from having my engine go side to side which is what it's doing. I remember a post here about a head bolt mount to the frame.
I may need to do that.
Other than the vibrations and the mounts it feels so different. This bike is so smooth. And it has a different personality. I like it alot.
It may be safe I'm thinking to have that vibration at speed for this bike only has a coaster. I kinda don't want to add a front brake. Maybe a drum front.
I want a drum front on Cronus too.
So what am I gonna do with that Diamondback?
For now it's going in the parts pile. :(
But MOOP lives on!
MOOP lives on!
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Large, the way I cured the engine shifting from side to side on my '46 Columbia was to build up a pretty thick layer of friction tape under both the front and rear mounts. It was solid as a rock and remains so even four years later.
BTW, MOOP the 2nd is looking really good! Keep up the good work, Large!
Large, I kind of felt like I went to a wake and a baptism all in one thread. Moop #1 will live on through your past posts which i've always enjoyed. Nothing ever stays the same which makes this earth which we live, kind of scarry and exciting both in the same instance. When I look at Moop#2 I see a familiar face and have to smile, again.
I felt like in a sense that we graduated,graucho because we have found that rack mounts are so wonderful but I gotta love my Happy Time and now I really feel like my Happy Time is at home situated in an old bike.
MOOP was Rock and Roll. MOOP 2 is.... I think it's.... Probably like.... an old antique bike from long ago. This is the Vibes I'm feeling with this rig. Yes it's most likely 70's or even 80's but that's still over 25 years old at least which makes this bike a collectable.
Tomorrow I think Cronus is taking a break. I put a new back rim on Cronus so I'll probably give him a test ride but MOOP 2 is going to the Mall tomorrow!
The only mod that didn't make the transformation is the auto choke. On this bike,though I'm feeling like I may actually like getting my hand down there to fiddle with it.
Tomorrow is the real test to see how everything holds up.
Those machine screws holding that rear sprocket I'm gonna keep my eyes on.
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So the machine screws held! These are 1/4 by 2 inches. I could have gotten away with the 1.5 inch. And just one nut with a washer and a lock washer. Not one nut loosened up. But I'll still keep a close eye.
My ride to the mall and back was effortless. Hills were no problem.
I actually did fix my vibrations by really cranking down the motor mount nuts. It was actually pretty loose.
Then later I got on Cronus to get a few groceries. Right away Cronus feels like a Caddilac compared to MOOP2. MOOP2 has those rather narrow handlebars then you got the manual clutch but it's way smoother than MOOP1 ever was. Even the engine seems to engage a whole lot smoother with none of the kick back I used to get with MOOP1.
I'm tempted to ride MOOP2 to my 60 miler. It sounds too much like a motorcycle though which is why Cronus usually wins out.
Maybe in the fall when the seasonal riders get back in their cars and there's not as many people down Speer Blvd.
Yes. I can depend on my Happy Time to take me 30 miles away from home. I don't care what people say. With the right care and taking it easy these engines can last forever.
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Gotta hand it to ya Large.. You got imagination. At almost $5 per gallon for petrol you can afford a little tinkering time. I got a feeling your HT will run forever.
Thanks Zombie!
I'm thinking banana seat now.
That leather seat has a small tear in it.
I would really hate to tear it some more with more use.
And maybe that would give me some more wiggle room!
Box of seats

I got seat. Springer beach types. For You FREE. Not new but several to choose from. PM me if you want them. I'll ship up the CO river.