Most recommended engines

No General Motors? Last time I checked there is still a corporation calling itself General Motors that still builds Chevrolets(and Buicks and Cadilacs and Allison transmissions and Saginaw steering boxes etc etc etc etc) We won WWII, but the US car industry lost the competion for the US consumer by building s**tty junk in the late 70s and early 80s, while the Japanese learned to build high quality, reliable cars. That's called free enterprise. GM has survived and now is again building good quality cars, thanks to a government bailout, just as we did with Chrysler. As to English cars, I see Rover SUVs nearly every day. The rest don't seem to compete well here since British-Leyland tried to ruin the English car industry by building nothing but junk. I can still remember when Triumphs, MGs, Morris, and Austins were fairly common here.