Crashes On being hit by a four wheel armored cage.

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Your last post got me thinking. My helmet is dark also. I think I'll add a reflective yellow strip on BOTH sides of it. My trike is all black. Maybe some yellow reflectors on it will help. VERY happy you are getting better!!

Glad you're OK and the meat was saved :D

These days I ride like they never look! When I was younger I used to ride more like I had a right to be on the road and take up my legal metre and a half bicycle riders space. And sail through roundabouts just like a car. Had my fair share of close calls. But mobile phones and cars dont mix. Car drivers on mobiles are a bike riders worst enemy. I'm lucky where I live has a lot of bike paths I don't have to ride roads that much.

I drive a car a lot too, and there's always someone on a mobile phone drifting across a lane, or turning without looking or indicating. Or speeding up and slowing down. I cant believe some people even text when driving, I had a young woman about 2 inches away from me coz she was so busy texting, had to honk at her and she gave me a filthy look! Cops should come down hard on anyone in a car on a mobile. Even pedestrians on mobiles are so absorbed in their conversations that they'll often step out onto the road BEFORE looking to see if anything is coming. These days driving is a bit like being in a minefield, EVERYone is a potential accident waiting to happen. Half the driving population should have their licence removed until they learn the road rules properly. Jeez, sorry didn't mean to rant! :whistle:

Anyway, I really just wanted to say get well, enjoy the mig, and avoid rounabouts! Migs are like hot glue guns, you're gunna love it!
Replies and the engine cover.

@GearNut, steady with the melting metal moments, I had enuff o' that with the stick, lol.

@ Fulltimer, reckon I'll wrap the next helmet in flouro fabric from an old safety vest. Reflective tape might be a go on the sides of the foam, if it sticks. Reflectors..I'm thinking those rectangular jobs embedded into pedals.

@ Arty Dave, rant away mate, I've had to edit the heck outta my ravings, but I blame the nice pain-killers, lol. Speaking of fools on mobiles, I watched a young woman recently, as we do, mobile in one hand pushing a stroller, she was dressed in black and the stroller was black. She crossed a side street after looking only left, then the main arterial road on which we live, without looking either way. I dropped what I was doing fully expecting to see them flying through the air. Very, very lucky girl.

I've attached a pic of the engine cover mentioned earlier in my last post i think. Got this idea from The Professor's front saddlebag setup. (Thanks Prof) The new unit will not be dummy and have enough opening space for my travel maps, sketchpads etc.

**** back pain, gotta split. Cheers all.


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I was readying a news story a while ago about a woman in Miami. She caused an accident......she was shaving her legs while driving! :rolleyes:

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