Spark Plug Wire Questions

I am finished with the stock plug caps. Wen I look back on all the problems I've had, these things have always at or near the center of it. Yes, they work. Until they don't work. Yesterday I was rocking it, bike was performing brilliantly. Then I stopped the engine to check my phone. I couldn't get the bike to start for the longest time. I fiddled and diddled with the plug cap, shocked the s**t out of myself a few times on purpose (I even felt some spark through the rubber insulation!).

Got home any finally attached the NGK plug cap which screws tightly onto the plug. Bike has been rocking it ever since!

No more of those for me except as maybe emergency fixes.

They tend to shock when you don't want them too lol. Shocking isn't it? ;)
I was checking spark plug one time that wasn't fireing and it started arcing all of a sudden and I figured it out real quick
I use accel 7mm high temp super core wire and it added an extra 2mph to top speed and is a lot smoother getting there

BS a plug wire is not going to make that much difference if any unless the wire you had on it before was bad and if this was so it would have given you running problems. Been running THE SAME STOCK graphite wires on my Harley for over 116,000 miles. Yes I do recommend solid core wires but they will not make any performance gains.
The real advantage of a good wire and cap is an absolute solid connection to the plug. I think back to my first build off a kit: I'd be cruising at WOT and then -?sudden loss of power! Speak plug cap dangling!

I my experience with a handful of different plug caps, anything that isn't tightly affixed (metal on metal) is subject to cause trouble, especially at start up.
As I said copper is best where you can use them like on these little motors.. My CDI that came with my bike motor did not even come with a resister cap. In my opinion resister caps are not necessary. Did a fair amount of testing plugs, wires and so on with a dyno and by the numbers these items make very little if any difference in power or performance. Yes once again I agree solid core wires are best just wish I could run them on my motorcycle but with EFI no way.
the stock wire that comes with these kits absolutely suck, they look almost like they are frayed at the ends, every kit I've ever got has been like that. A wire with less conductivity will not get as much as the spark than a more conductive wire.... That's a pic of my stock wire


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the stock wire that comes with these kits absolutely suck, they look almost like they are frayed at the ends, every kit I've ever got has been like that. A wire with less conductivity will not get as much as the spark than a more conductive wire.... That's a pic of my stock wire

This happens when you install it into the CDI box or plug boot no matter what wire you run. You do not even have to skin the wire back as both have a pointed screw like thing. If you do not skin back will not untwist as bad.
So im looking for a cooler spark plug my engine gets really hot really fast i feel as though she may be overheating so heres what i run now
looking at going for a 6 or 7 anyone have any recommendations on theses specs what plug would be a good one to get thats either a 6 or 7
any help would be greatly appreciated also looking for a good recommendation on spark plug wire good quality at a good price i dont need greatest but something better then this pos stock cable
I run a NGK BH7S and here in Georgia it is all ready in the 90s. If you want to go colder with a NGK go higher on the number other works a BH7S is hotter then a BH8S. I have done many a test on a dyno with the high dollar plugs on air cooled motorcycles and there is no difference between them and the standard plug. All it is more ways to get more of your money. I can get 3 standard NGK for what one of the fancy plugs cost. Do a search and see what others say! I have not here on the forums but on the net.