Wasted a day tuning a 48 HT

I tried something similar.

I filed 1mm off the jet holder. This brings the jet closer to the needle.

Slight improvement but I still get the feeling I am barking up the wrong tree.

I will change the electricals today.

As an apprentice mechanic 20 years ago. I remember a car pulling up to the workshop. Chugging and blowing richness smoke. Well all agreed it was running rich before the customer had got out the car. We were all wrong. Turns out the condensor inside the dizzy was faulty. Looked in every way to be running rich.
Only ever seen this that once.

I know, I know before somebody says something. Cars are 4 stroke. It is just a good demonstration that you need to keep an open mind.
Hmmm... If you filed 1 mm off of the jet end of the jet holder it really won't make much of a difference. The needle and jet interact with each other on the other end of the jet holder (it's actually called a needle jet), the end that is visible when looking down the throat if the carburetor.