Very Expensive Learning Experience

Have you pulled the plug? You may have only filled the cylinder with oil and caused it to seize. Try pulling the plug and pour the oil out. Then it should run again. It will smoke like crazy for a while. That is if you did not bend the crank or crack the head under the pressure. Try it. Pull the plug and turn it over and pour the oil out. It may run again.. And ..If it does, never ever run a 4 stroke in any position other than as level as possible. Good luck. I hope it works again . The Engines GEBE sell are first rate. I hope this suggestion works... Enjoy the ride..

Thanks for the tip Dax. I'll give that try tomorrow after work. But somehow with the oiltank on the bottom, I don't see how the cyinder could get oil to it. But I'll see what happens.
My point was ...

My point was missed apparently.. Here is the point.. A 4 stroke must be run as level as possible. A 2 stroke engine "engine" can be run at any angle. That was my point. Keep in mind.. I said engine. I did not mention transmissions or gear boxes that may be associated with some 2 stroke engines. Also..When you turn your 4 stroke engine at an angle, too far an angle, it can cause excess pressure forcing oil into the cylinder past rings and valve guides filling it with crank case oil and then when it gets too full of oil it will freeze and not seize the motor. Once excess pressure builds, it happens fast. Two things can do this, over filling a crank case with oil , or tilting the 4 stroke engine at a severe angle. So..I am hoping that your motor was the latter. I have seen this happen first hand. So I know it happens. It is possible to damage the engine with such high hydraulic pressures. Maybe you will have lucked out and there is no damage. Thanks..Enjoy the ride..
i would just like to inform you all that i know the honda gx25-35 can be run in any angle since it runs under full pressure lubrication which keeps the oil under constant pressure while the pump flows the oil. i dont know what the GEBE engine runs like but i can assume that i has dipstick lubrication and can only run up to a 15 degree angle.

Zev, Dax has a very good point...this happens with RC motors in our airplanes sometimes to...they call it hydro-lock out at the field, but the point is, we pull the glow plug out, drain out the motor upside down, and then it's good to go again.

I run my NITRO four strokes inverted, but that's cheating a bit, because the oil and fuel are mixed like a 2 stroke, and there's never permanent oil in the crankcase...they do lock up every now and then, and relieving the cylinder pressue is the only fix. I've seen people mess up connecting rods trying to force the fuel through.

You may just end up with an extra 2-stroke now! :)

True.. there are some..

Yes.. I know about the GX35. And there are a few others.. These are exceptions . They are used for Trimmers and such. There are a lot of 4 stroke motors that can be run in various positions. Make sure you know what you have. Thanks..
One advantage of the Honda GX25/35 engines is that they can be operated in any position. Since they were designed to be used on weed-eaters or other outdoor equipment, where the orientation of the engine while in use cannot be guaranteed, they use an "oil misting" lubrication system that sprays the oil where it's needed.
Ok, a million thanks goes out to Dax. You were absolutely correct. Pulled plug and dumped out the oil. Had to pull it a couple of times to get it all out, but eventually she fired up. Killed every mosquito in the neighborhood though, but that was to be expected. Again, thanks for the tip.