6000 mile cross country ride

Local time
4:51 PM
Dec 18, 2011
I am heading out on a cross country camping trip with my father and our dogs in the first week of April.
My father just retired and has always wanted to see the redwoods but has instead spent nearly every day of it working hard at manual labor so he could provide for us. And I figure he has now earned the right to do something he wants to do for once in his life. So, I bought him a Rhoades Car and we built it with a Briggs Animal 200cc and we are headed out to do what HE wants.
I know this not street legal but it is what he wanted to ride so.....he gets what he wants.
I, on the other hand, will be riding a recumbent trike(a Catrike Road) with a rear mount chain drive from Dacs with a Super Titan50cc (0also from Dacs.
I will be carrying a second engine, just in case, and havent decided which to take....either a gp460(guaranteed to haul me and my dog through the mountains at lightning speed) or a HondaGx35(no power but very reliable and no need for the expansion chamber that quiets the deafening gp460)

Anyway, I will be keeping a blog and THOUROUGHLY reviewing the kits as I go. Of course the blog is not all about the engine kits as the trip is about much more than that. But I spent a lot of time thinking and tinkering in preperation and am anxious to know if I made the right decisions. So, for those of you thinking about buying this kit, now or in the future, and want to know if it will last for a very long and rugged trip. We shall soon see!!!

Oh the blog....almost forgot. I am going to TRY to keep it here. But I dont know how that is going to work out with the rareness of an internet connection and no real desire for any more internet responsibilities. But I will definitely be ke keeping one here. On my eBay ME page.


PS..feel free to buy some of my artwork....I will be painting and drawing as I go and it is paying for the trip:)
Wow! Sounds like a great trip. A great father/son adventure. Keep us posted. Also, your artwork is throughly impressive. Artists who can do photorealistic pieces have always astounded me!