70cc bogging down at full throttle?

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dont listen to A-holes

you tell him augidog, l thought we were trying to help, but l guess l'll keep my mouth shut and let them figure it out on there own. as far as engineering l have my mcse, so up yours drewd. we are only trying to help others, and not be an A-hole at the same time, jerk-off.......................don't put others down cause you thing your a genius, which you not.............
thanks, azvinnie, but let's DO keep trying to help each other, that's what the MBc is all about :)

i won't violate Private Messaging, but i only posted the above after addressing this with DrewD privately. all i got for my trouble was more insults, so i took my feelings public.

anyway, he sticks around or he doesn't...we won't let it stop us from keepin' on 8)

pianoman8t8:check azvinnie's post...i agree you should try different settings on your mixture, that's probably where the problem lies.
ya' find one in every crowd...
Ignore it an' maybe it'll stop.
Yeah, I tried the clip on every slot (there are 4 slots total in the needle on my carb) and realized that the one groove that it came installed on was the best performing. The 2nd from the top groove... but I'm sending out for an upgraded carb from Simpsons this coming Friday. I can't wait to see how much it will improve. ANd i was checking out that Direct Hit spark plug, but I figured it wouldn't fit on my bike due to lack of space, seeing as how the upgraded plug thing is significantly longer than the stock one. I also have a new idea for a chain shifter whatcha-ma-call-it, and since i have my license back, I can work on it more in the shop when i have some time. but anywho..., and when i get that caqrb, I'll let you guys know how she goes. and If anyone gets one of those direct hit spark things, please let us know how it works, if it's worth it and so-on..


Tom said:
Mine would do that, it was a blown intake manifold gasket. I made another one out of a cereal box, put it on and it made a world of difference.

My 49cc has been bogging, and I thought my gas had gone bad. I read this thread and thought maby this is the problem. I got the engine warmed up and idling, sprayed a little carb cleaner near the intake manifold, and it started racing then died. This is a shure sign of an intake leak. Made a new gasket, and it runs great.
Thanks Tom

btw my wife still thinks I have bad gas :lol:
can some post a pic of what the intake manifold gasket is im sure i know what it is just need to see the pic
andrewflores17 said:
can some post a pic of what the intake manifold gasket is im sure i know what it is just need to see the pic

The intake manifold is the tube that connects the carburator to the rest of the engine. The gasket is between the engine and the manifold.
i changed the setting on the needle i have for settings on mine and it runs better now than ever
i also found the gasket fixed it with a ceral box for a temp fix ordered a new one

just wanted to say thanks to for the help :D
hey dude...the cereal box gasket is the new one!! :D cereal box gaskets are old school shadetree mechanic fixes. just like new!
glad to hear your bike is running well!!
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