Carby Carb leaking?


Local time
12:02 AM
Mar 24, 2015
South Beach
i pulled off my dellorto clone to look at the jet a dry yo see what size. (Which it doesn't but brûlée it's a 70 from the factory) anyways, while I tipped the carb sideways to get to bowl underneath, gas came out if top piece where cane hides into. Nit from that hole but from side of cover. Now this had a gasket so would assume it needs to be sealed. I possibly could gave. Damaged gasket etc.. When trying to install cable etc... The many times I had it apart.
If suppose to be sealed and a leak, could thus be a point if why bike is running bad?
Still think it us way rich as the plug is wet.
Also, until I get the jets (ordering now) can/should I just put the stock nt card on and try to get running hood enough storage least to break in? If so, to lean out you move the clip on needle up or down?

When I pull it off today either reject ir put nt on, I'll check again in exact location and make sure gasket and cover us properly placed/sealed.
Where is air vent?
The gas seemed to be coming from one side of the top cover where it meets the carb. Looks like there's a space. Is this the vent?
I dunno in my experience if there was a leak, the vacuum pressure while biking will cause a substantial leak at that area and eventually cut out your motor.
It never leaked while on or riding. Only after I removed carb and tipped over to get to gloat bowl. Just figured that top cover gad a gasket for a reason.
Leaks from underneath where screwdriver us on both sides. Gasket seems on and cover is on tight. Are there vents where gas would leak out if tipped on side? Does not leak when on intake.
the gasket is ment to be sealed if air gets in it might rev hi. And if you wiggle that top part make sure it's seated down.I have had 3 of that carby and put them all in the bin I even got a better one thay say and it's in the bin so I run speed carbys with the red cover. But you never know put a stock carby on if it goes good put that one in the bin you can put that air filter on a stock one to diy
It idles fine, does not rev uncontrollably. Just seems odd that tax would pour out if that spar and especially if gasket is, unless this is some vent. I'm cautious or removing canoe from thus one to put in stock carb with all the length issues I had. Maybe I'll tackle that tomorrow.
Hey I had the same exact experience, to a T... I think the molding outline for the square gasket has a cutout that leaks most of the gas when carb is tipped... But that don't matter when the gasket is so flimsy plus the spring and lever both poke at the gasket corners..................
I bought some gasket material to make a better gasket and I have to seal the throttle cable inlet screw dill bc mines wallowed out over time. The main issue I have is when coming to a stop, with the clutch in, it will die on me. Happens intermittently and is annoying af when on inclines.
Anywho, did u get anywhere with yours? I'll update soon