china performance

the squeaky wheel gets the grease?

It's a bit more complex than that, in fact mind numbingly complex. I have spent hundreds of hours over the last couple of years just to see how hard it is to get a change to a State law.

How hard? Well, I read the states Arizona Bill cartoon like explanation of what it takes to make/change a law and it is indeed a lot of hoops others have to jump through.

I set my informal petition up just in case I can actually get a change though that you in other states can use to set an example of a fair and easy change they can make your laws, but again this is all about where I live and ride.

Easy? Hell no, you have to fight for attention and collaboration with the 'powers that be' which ironically people that want someone else to do it will do with their bikes but not how their states govern them.

I am not harping guys nor tooting my own horn, I do what I feel needs done and share how I'm doing is all and I may fail miserably but hey, I'm not asking someone else to do it for me and everyone else in my state.
tis true, tis true. they only know theres dissent if dissenting type people send deroguatory letters...daily!

most people get home after whining about the traffic and taxes and other silly laws, and switch on the telly. keep whining about how expensive the beer they just opened is getting, blame the pollies, but what do they do? sit back and open another, then bed.

the same type of people that LAUGH when you mention that youve sent thirty two rude and not so rude letters to various powers that be... in just the last hour... they say "why bother?" and keep swilling beer.

why do we have stupid laws? cus only idiots seem to open their mouths! all the piddly little minorities and nutjobs. noone normal and just sick of BS constantly. at least Iceland woke up to themselves and overthrew their government... but icelanders are invariably intelligent!

stupid laws? you cant look at a moose from an airplane? sure thats still a law. you also cant give them cigars. doesnt mention cigarettes, but cigars and moose do NOT mix!

and over here... when i get a horse, ima gunna ride to every pub, club, and hotel. they have to, by law, supply a stable/hitching point, water, and hay... noones bothered enforcing it or even awknowledging it for about the last 75 years or so... there being no reason to change it, its still the law. brilliant :)