Gordy Well-Known Member Local time 2:59 PM Joined Feb 4, 2022 Messages 12,944 Location Louisa, Kentucky Sep 3, 2023 #11 For those prices I'd just get a mailbox sticker sheet for 5 bucks
G gearhead437 Well-Known Member Local time 1:59 PM Joined Jan 11, 2020 Messages 277 Sep 4, 2023 #12 GW's Motorized said: For those prices I'd just get a mailbox sticker sheet for 5 bucks Click to expand... I would also, but I could not downsize the free online stickers to fit on the copier paper during a test run This was done before buying the adhesive backed sticker paper, to ensure that it was doable, which it wasn't for me-Gearhead437
GW's Motorized said: For those prices I'd just get a mailbox sticker sheet for 5 bucks Click to expand... I would also, but I could not downsize the free online stickers to fit on the copier paper during a test run This was done before buying the adhesive backed sticker paper, to ensure that it was doable, which it wasn't for me-Gearhead437