First Build

The chains are loose. The one from the output drive sprocket to the 17 T jackshaft sprocket can be tightened by sliding the engine along the holes in the mount plate but I hit the end with one of the bolts so I can't move the engine further toward the handle bar unless I mod the mount plate and drill new holes. This is a SBP 4 stroke shift kit.

Also did anyone blow out their nexus 3 internal hub. I don't think they are designed for motors.

Thank You! I think Pablo @ the crew are good people. I'll get with them. SBP is an innovator in the MB World. I saw their first jack shaft kit when it still had the Sharpie lines on it!
"that's why I have to keep a helper just to go ride the thing around for a couple miles at time"

That sounds like my kind of job. Nothing but the gravy.
It's gravy if it starts right up, trying to start a reluctant 2-stroke repair when it's 110F not so much, that's why I start a 7am here ;-}

I got your e-mail about helping out here in my shop, I'll get back with you this weekend.