Problem: Robin/Subaru EH035 won't start


Local time
9:56 AM
Jun 9, 2008
Lubbock, TX
I got the Robin/Subaru EH035 friction kit from Staton. Yesterday I installed the kit, put in the gas, put in the oil, primed it with the fuel pump and then pulled the dang cord until I thought my arm was going to fall off.

Any ideas what might be wrong?

I tried it with the choke open and closed. With the kill switch set to both on and off (in case I wired it wrong). I pulled the spark plug and verified that there was gasoline on it.

If no one has any ideas, I will call Staton tomorrow. But I was hoping to go riding today. :)

Geeze, my Staton friction EHO35 starts first time everytime. Never had to prime it either. Wonder if perhaps you've flooded it. Haven't a clue what your problem may be.
Hi Tracy -- well it appears that you have complected at least the first of the two basic steps when engines will not start -- checking for gas and spark. With the plug removed and the plug casing touching on the engine - used as a ground - test to see if you have spark ?? Looking back to gas - at times a small amount poured into the spark plug opening - plug back in - anything ? Happy Riding from Mountainman
The manual said to prime it 7 to 10 times if the engine is cold. Since it hadn't been started before, I went with 10 times. I waited a few hours and then went with 5 pumps. This morning I tried 5 again.

I'm curious about the on/off switch. Since it only has one wire coming to it, I assume the circuit is completed through the frame of the bicycle. Is it possible that my frame isn't conducting the signal from the switch?
With the plug removed and the plug casing touching on the engine - used as a ground - test to see if you have spark ??

Hey Mountainman ...

I didn't see a spark when I pulled the starter cord. My daughter held the spark plug so that the threads were touching the engine casing right next to the hole where the spark plug screws into the engine. And, of course, the cable was firmly attached to the spark plug.

So that seems to be a problem. :) Any suggestions?

If you are using the Staton handlebar kill switch, there should be a small clear plastic shield between the switch and handlebar. Disconnect the kill switch and try again.
Zevo is right, If it take more than 2 or 3 pulls, stop and start looking for a problem. Disconnect your kill wire and let it hang in the air as Kerf suggested.
Hi Tracy -- wow no spark with a new engine --- that is not very common !!! I doubt that this is the problem - but - do you have another spark plug wire that you could borrow -- lawn mower - other small engine `ect.. Second thought - that probably will not work -- I am just getting into these small bicycle engines -- my bet is that the wire to the plug comes out from the case of the engine -- thus making it hard to try another wire. I must say - since this is a brand new engine - I know - THE WAITING IS THE HARDEST PART - calling the factory tomorrow might have to be... I know that many on this site are VERY UP -- good mechanics with small engines -- hopefully someone else has some ideas ---- Remember -- HAPPY DAYS OF RIDING YET TO COME... Mountainman
It Worked!

Woo hoo! The engine started and I had my maiden voyage to the end of the block and back!

I disconnected the kill switch and it fired on the second pull. Thanks Kerf & everyone!

So ... now I have a new question: what do I need to do about the kill switch? Is the kill switch bad? Is there a way to test it?

Woo hoo! The engine started and I had my maiden voyage to the end of the block and back!

I disconnected the kill switch and it fired on the second pull. Thanks Kerf & everyone!

So ... now I have a new question: what do I need to do about the kill switch? Is the kill switch bad? Is there a way to test it?


Hi Tracy -- had some more ideas for you to try -- but - better yet --- it fired up for you --- grrrrreat !!! Did the instructions say much in regards to break in period ?? Just from what I have done in the past -- Not full speed for a while -- a little chance to cool down now and then durning break in ----- the kill switch - maybe get the bike running and attach the kill switch -- still running ? Kill switch work ? Just some thoughts -- from Mountainman