Aussie roll call......

Yeah, I live in a hilly area where often the electric bike range, (32km, 20 miles), just isn't enough. Wonderful for shopping - where I used to walk into town and get a taxi home with the shopping, once a fortnight, now I can zip in any time for small loads and get my main fortnightly stuff delivered, all for much less than the previous taxi fare for one trip.
To the doctor and back used to be a $24 taxi round trip or 1¼ hour walk each way, now it's ??? cents and 20 minutes each way.
For the longer trips, the 2-stroke is a necessity. Public transport in Nowra is almost non-existent. And when no-ones looking, I can wind it out to 50 kph.
Since I've had these bikes, about 3 months, I've clocked up about 750km. Guess how far I would have got walking?
(Secretly, I sort of look forward to the court discussion in a way, but I'll still end up with a fine, of course.)

... Steve

Steve , I'm flabbergasted to here that !
Maybe getting caught will bring this STUPIDITY to a head ?
You Sir have guts .

Regards Bobby.
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From Mild One

Yeah I can put up a good sob story as well. I am 66 have had 2 knee operations and I am an asthmatic!.As far as I know I am the only one here in Tuncurry NSW(member that is).Love to hear from any riders near me,esp if they have a Rotary 30cc for sale.
G'day Mild One, hopefully we won't have to test the theory.
I've had 2 cops in the last 3 days check me out, then drive on without stopping me.
Just in case, carry your pension card, show it when they ask for ID.

... Steve
to Aussiesteve

Hi Steve, thanks for the tip about the pension card,I love it! it will make me seem even more pathetic and harmless,Haha little do they know!

There's another alternative, too, Wal. Rock Solid Engines sell a certified 200W, 48cc engine with manufacturers plate stating power output, builder etc, for a little over $400AU.
I wouldn't want to ride a 200W 2-stroke, but all the higher performance 66cc bits should fit. A 2200W+ engine, certified 200W. Sounds good to me. (Don't tell anyone.)

... Steve
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Thanks to Steve

Steve,you are my kind of people,devious and rat-cunning,I dips me lid!. I may very well do just that but I still kinda want one of those expensive Rotary Bikes.I love to cycle around Tuncurry as it is flat as a tack,but if I go over to Forster it is hilly in parts,the little motor would extend my range up those hills.But like I say ,mucho dinero.

Wal, are you speaking 'Rotary' as in 'Wankel', (not w a n k e r), or is it a trade-name or something?

Never heard of them, if it's a trade-name.

(That bloody censorship tried to destroy my 'w a n k e r' with ******. Is nothing sacred?)

... Steve
There is a Rotary mob in Sydney who sell an Asian replica of the famous SACHS 301A hub kit for about $1,600.00. There is also a SACHS agent in Sydney who I think can sell you either the genuine SACHS or the replica for hundreds of $ less. I have one of the German versions.

I know from my research that in Europe there are about a million of these little machines and there is a very energetic forum in Holland in which there is info as to how to hot up these little 30cc motors.

In one of them a guy discovered quite by accident that the COIL from an Italian motorbike, say Aprillia, when fitted to the 301a motor gives a HUGE increase in performance. They are fitted with a restrictor in the CDI which limits revs to just over 3,000 RPM. Some of the enthusiasts have managed 10,000 RPM after fitting a Dutch CDI and that trick coil.
To Steve and Bernie

Hi Steve,got tired and went to bed!. Yeah there is a company in Qld that sells 2 strokes,the company name is Rotary.They charge over $2000 for their bikes but they are excellent quality. The motor is part of the rear wheel so the drive is direct,nothing attached to the spokes.Look them up,good model range.

Bernie,good to hear from you,the three of us seem to be round the same age.oldies rule!. That is some interesting info about the sachs motors,the rotary is an exact copy of course,both have chrome bores and bearings all round for the big end and supports. Do you have any further info about where to get one from the importer you mentioned?.Cannot quite afford a new one from Rotary.

It is good to hear from you blokes.
