thinking about motorizing the kulana Moon Dog

I will be making my first motorized bicycle using the Moon Dog frame and a 80cc engine from Boysgofast on eBay.

I searched around a lot for the perfect frame. Something that just stood out. I considered cheap frames and expensive frame. But in the end, I just really dug the Moon Dog frame. It will look really neat when I'm zipping down the (side of the) road on my bright orange Kulana Moon Dog.

Just for your information, I had a boygofast kit, and a kit from The kit from thatsdax is a little more expensive, but much better quality.
Thank you for the heads up Simonator. It's good to hear from someone who has owned both motors. Truth be told, this is my first project and I haven't had the chance to talk to a single person who really knows the differences and quality of the various engines out there. I'm here to learn as much off you as I can before I decide to just crazy and buy the first engine I can.

What makes the engines boysgofast sells the lesser engines? As compared to the engines sells?

Unfortuantely, price is a barrier for me in building this bike. What can I expect from the cheaper 80cc engines?
The dax engines have roller bearings for the wrist pin, and crank. I am pretty sure the boygofast kit just has bushings. The roller bearings will last longer. The dax kit comes with a higher quality throttle, clutch lever, and muffler. All the hardware appears to be higher quality too. Dax also offers a 30 day warranty.

Also, boygofast claims his sprocket is 44 tooth. When I got mine I counted the teeth, and there was 50. It topped out at 23 mph on a bike with 26" rims. The dax kit comes with a true 44 tooth sprocket. It tops out at over 30 mph with 26" wheels.
Thank you simonator. If I don't get the higher quality engine, Murphy's law will come back to bite me in the ***.
At first sight, I thought, that bike would look cool with a motor. And for 100.00 bucks, what do I have to lose ? Just hope this frame holds up for a while.
Can't wait to see your bikes when done.
- Al

It's not the frame you have to worry about on $100 walmart bikes, its everything else. Make sure everything you get from a major discount retailer is assembled properly and well greased and oiled. You'll probably end up wanting to upgrade grips and pedals and definitely the seat but as far as i've seen the frames on WM bikes are as solid as they need to be to keep you from getting creamed.
So far, the worst problem I am having is the seat. I am extremely sore every time I get off the bike. Definitely going to have to get a much better seat.

I wonder if those molded leather saddle seats are more comfortable than other sadle seats...
It's not the frame you have to worry about on $100 walmart bikes, its everything else. Make sure everything you get from a major discount retailer is assembled properly and well greased and oiled. You'll probably end up wanting to upgrade grips and pedals and definitely the seat but as far as i've seen the frames on WM bikes are as solid as they need to be to keep you from getting creamed.

Comparing the welds of the walmart Schwinns to these moondogs you will see the difference. I have 50's Schwinn pedals, a couple different hairpin seats to play with, rear schwinn rack, better throttle, dual brake pull, vintage gas tank. Can't wait to put it all together. If/when the frame cracks, everything can be cannibalized to another frame.
I refused the moondog that was in-stock. Bent rim, peeling stickers. Instead I went home and ordered it through their website and had it shipped to the closest walmart. Free shipping that way.
Enough knocking the moondog. Sorry.
It is a real looker, and at a great price. Hope to keep mine a long time.
So far, the worst problem I am having is the seat. I am extremely sore every time I get off the bike. Definitely going to have to get a much better seat.

I wonder if those molded leather saddle seats are more comfortable than other sadle seats...

Some of those molded leather ones are like steel, and can be a real pain in the A. I have one and it's a killer. I would recommend something with soft padding and springs. maybe even a gel cover too.
Thank you Alan.

See, I broke my pelvis back in '84. Even destroyed that last bone in your spinal column, the Coccyx. Ever since then, riding a bicycle really hurts. But I really love riding so I am just going to have to find the cushiest, bounciest seat I can find. It's going to be a little embarrassing having this motorized bike with a big pillow-sized cushioned seat on the thing!
Thank you Alan.

See, I broke my pelvis back in '84. Even destroyed that last bone in your spinal column, the Coccyx. Ever since then, riding a bicycle really hurts. But I really love riding so I am just going to have to find the cushiest, bounciest seat I can find. It's going to be a little embarrassing having this motorized bike with a big pillow-sized cushioned seat on the thing!

Hi there Decomp. I use a large seat. 11" wide and 11" long. All foam. I got it here. You would love it. I fractured 2 vertabrae and snapped both shoulders blades off in a motorcycle accident in 1982. This seat gives me no problems at all. I highly recommend it.