Dogs chewing my a** how to get away.

Always carry a secret weapon, a bag of cats that you toss, when they bring heavy artillery, this will make them chase the cats instead of you,
letting you get away or pull over and pick them off one by one
Cat Fight back
How to increase power or speed to get away from lose dogs ? I have a 48 cc Skyhawks stock kit with nt carburetor stock back 44 teeth sprocket . I know performance heads help but there’s no other one than the one I have. Exhaust would help too .Different carb . Where to start first? Don’t want to make a bunch of changes to quick. Thanks
Sorry Wan, We tried to think of everything to help you with those Dogs.
Your 48cc will never be fast enough to out run a Dog. 🚴‍♂️ 🐶
I really dig all the Bike Guns that were shown, especially the Bicycle Guns from WW1
But the 150cc Vespa is my favorite, It just looks so ridiculous. Only the French would think of something like that.
But it worked. Designed to be air dropped into battle. Anti Tank Cannon.
I had to show one more Bicycle Gun designed by Police Engineers. :ROFLMAO: