What wire should I connect together to make sure the killswitch works properly? I have an image if the wires from the killswitch and the wires from the engine below.
What wire should I connect together to make sure the killswitch works properly? I have an image if the wires from the killswitch and the wires from the engine below.
Often times the simplest answer is the answer. A Kill Switch is a basic open and close device. While the switch is open an engine can be cranked. When the switch is closed the CDI is grounded out shutting the engine down. For you that means Red to Red and Black to Black.
Often times on these switches the black on the switch also has a plate which allows it to ground out to the frame/handlebars. This acts like a backup ground wire. If you reverse the wires on an installed switch it may not crank.
Often times on these switches the black on the switch also has a plate which allows it to ground out to the frame/handlebars. This acts like a backup ground wire. If you reverse the wires on an installed switch it may not crank.
This is what I have on my bike. I've also seen some 2 wire ones that have the grounding plate connected to the ground wire. If there is no grounding plate on the switch, then you're correct in that it doesn't matter which way you connect it; matching or mixed colors.