Chain Noise

it didnt fit one engine from dax, it wouldn't even thread over it
(changed to sprocket from livefast)
but it fits the newest one (roller bearing model)
I don't know much about chain, but you might pose your question in this thread:

Someone there probably has the answer.
PS, I didn't notice you in the introduction area. Did I miss a post?

u didn't miss it, i just made it now.

Anyway, I saw that thread and that is what got me trying to change the chain in the first place. I think I am gonna order a new sprocket with the 081 chain from thats dax and see how it goes. I just wanna get the noise down....I mean on a downhill with the engine off the bike is almost as loud as it is with the engine running.
Ok, I have been following this thread now and I bought a 1/2" x 1/8" bmx chain from the local shop. Then I took the engine sprocket off, put it in a vice and started grinding down the thickness of the teeth with an angle grinder. It seems no matter how much I take off of the teeth, this chain is not gonna fit around it nicely. It wraps around the rear sprocket perfectly though.

I think I might have to order a new sprocket now because I may have taken too much material off of the one I have. Would ordering the 081 chain and engine sprocket from thats dax be a good alternative, or is the bmx chain solution a better way to go?

anythings gotta be an improvement over the noise the bike makes with a 415 stock chain.
you are probably not going to quiet it down a lot
but if you go with the heavy-duty (stretch-proof) chain from kmc, either size, it will be quieter mostly because the tolerances arre smaller with those chains
ie: the rollers and plates are not only closer together so less noise from components moving side-to-side, but also, they are made from much higher grade steel, in my experience
I have the bmx chain and azvinnie has the moto, they both seem to made to a better standard than the kit supplied chains of either size
i hate my chain from dax its so loud!!!! and ive broken 4 links and always leaves me pedling home i hate this chain it rubbes my case and frame, new chain is comming soon
i hate my chain from dax its so loud!!!! and ive broken 4 links and always leaves me pedling home i hate this chain it rubbes my case and frame, new chain is comming soon

which chain do you have on the way? the 081??
Hello everyone.
I just thought that I should mention that these happy time engines are available with different size casings, drive sprockets, as well as driven sprockets...depending on the size of chain that the importer/vendor chooses to have included with the kit.
If your chain is wearing the casing it is likely a lower quality kit and the engine and sprocket sizing was not matched to the chain size as it should have been.
Otherwise, is it possible that you do not have everything lined up properly for the chain to run true?
There are replacement drive sprockets available that will allow you to make use of 415, 081, or bmx chains. They are inexpensive and would save the trouble of trying to grind the width of your existing sprocket down. When you grind the sprocket, it creates heat...that heat can, and usually does draw the temper out of the steel and will greatly reduce the strength of the teeth on the sprocket.
This is not a good thing...unless you know how to heat-treat steel and can re-do what you've taken away from the strength of the sprocket.

Just thought I'd throw my two cents into the conversation.
Great info!

I ended up scrapping the sprocket I tried grinding down, and I ordered a replacement from thatsdax. guess what, it fits the KMC 1/2" x 1/8" bmx chain perfectly. But I did have to bore it out slightly to get it over the drive shaft on the engine.

I just finished a 10 mile ride with the bmx chain and new sprocket. Almost no difference in noise. In fact, there might be even more noise with it, but I will give it some more time to break in. One thing that is weird is at slow speeds the chain feels rough, but if I am coasting down a hill very fast the chain seems to quiet down and smooth out.

I think I am going to eventually look into a pull start and a freewheel rear sprocket. The engine chain always moving creates way to much drag and noise for me.