Large Filipino
Ok so Moop sits right with my seat way low but it seems my legs be going way up when I'm pedaling. It would be awesome if I could shorten down my pedal cranks by about an inch maybe even more. It's a three piece with the European(?) axle meaning the skinny style one piece no way would work. I'm thinking the shorter throw would lessen my leg stretch and I could pedal more SMOOTHLY while still sitting down.
So I'm a junk bike kind of guy. Do those 24 inch mountain bikes come with shorter cranks? Do I need to go smaller on the bike size?
Does anyone know of a bike out there with a three piece crank that's short?
Do I need to look at kids bikes?
It would be really cool if I can get short cranks. I may even check out the thrift store with a ruler.
Please chime in if you know of an answer.
So I'm a junk bike kind of guy. Do those 24 inch mountain bikes come with shorter cranks? Do I need to go smaller on the bike size?
Does anyone know of a bike out there with a three piece crank that's short?
Do I need to look at kids bikes?
It would be really cool if I can get short cranks. I may even check out the thrift store with a ruler.
Please chime in if you know of an answer.